Remembering Jimmy Carter’s high points

Submitted by James A. Marples
Posted 1/14/25

Dear editor:

Having Riedl and Reed family at Powell, Basin and Greybull, I think it is important that all of us remember President Jimmy Carter’s finer moments. He is often thought of as a …

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Remembering Jimmy Carter’s high points


Dear editor:

Having Riedl and Reed family at Powell, Basin and Greybull, I think it is important that all of us remember President Jimmy Carter’s finer moments. He is often thought of as a peanut farmer, but he was much more than that. He was a nuclear physicist, serving our nation in the U.S. Navy and was our only president to have served as Commander-in-Chief who had such experience in that setting.

James Earl Carter, Jr., served his state as the 76th governor of Georgia, and served our country as the 39th president of the United States. His ability at bringing leaders from Israel and Egypt to the peace table at Camp David fostered the landmark Camp David Peace Accords.

As noted earlier, Carter served in the U.S. Navy and received the World War II victory medal (among others). Carter graduated 60th out of 820 midshipmen in the class of 1946 with a Bachelor of Science degree, so he was above average in aptitude.

I remember my late parents and I driving to Laramie to visit my mom’s uncle, Professor William A. Riedl in Laramie, Wyoming, in 1976. Once we got there to his home, I saw a newspaper that had Jimmy Carter’s face in a photograph taken during that 1976 presidential season. The man had a winning smile. In my view, fateful circumstances overshadowed Carter’s time in the White House. And did you know, more presidents have been named “James” than any other given name? Jimmy Carter’s accomplishments will be long remembered, and grow more positive over time.

James A. Marples

Longview, Texas


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