Keeping up with Katie

Live in the moment

By Katie Morrison
Posted 6/11/24

I recently attended the funeral of somebody very significant to me; a small man completely full of life. A man who once brought me so very much joy. Each and every time spent with him was a new …

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Keeping up with Katie

Live in the moment


I recently attended the funeral of somebody very significant to me; a small man completely full of life. A man who once brought me so very much joy. Each and every time spent with him was a new journey. He dressed each morning with a smile and always made it mandatory to wear that smile. I often took him on walks, and while the wheelchair got to be too much for him sometimes, we made it somewhere each time.

On each walk, he shared a different story with me. Many detailed his life prior to his wife, or even my favorite story — the one about meeting his wife. I believe that when he left this world, he did everything he was meant to do. He accomplished much and gave freely. He truly and utterly left his impact not only on the world but also left an impact on little ole me. 

At the age of 16, I have not experienced large amounts of death. I have had many family members pass, but without getting to know them, their passing was never memorable to me. His was the very first funeral I have attended. Taking it all in piece-by-piece was a whole new experience for me. I realized just how much of an impact this man left not only on me, but also the many others sitting around me. I sat and watched many mourn their friend, loved one and colleague. That was when something very important dawned on me.

When reading through the pamphlet at the ceremony, I read many accomplishments and titles.

It made me wonder something about myself and my generation. Do kids my age even care about making an impact and leaving behind a legacy? It was once very important to live up to your family name and make your ancestors proud. Do today’s children even care anymore? 

The world has changed so much that it is easier to scroll through your social media and ponder somebody else's life than to worry about your own. Many choose to lead lives of little importance simply because it is easier. 

This is why I encourage all, no matter what stage of life, to live in the moment. Do something spontaneous, do something kind, try a new food. Most importantly, make your family proud. At the end of the day, making an impact is one of the most important things you can do. Whether the impact you make be small or large, do something out of the ordinary. Stray away from the ordinary, or what is easy, and do something new. 

Life is short. Adopt the dog, eat dessert, buy the shoes and my favorite … read that book.
