He provides comfort to us

Posted 6/27/24

T here are many reasons and circumstances in the human experience in which we have the need to be comforted. When we are physically unwell in any regard, it is so reassuring to have someone check in …

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He provides comfort to us


There are many reasons and circumstances in the human experience in which we have the need to be comforted. When we are physically unwell in any regard, it is so reassuring to have someone check in to offer a cool drink of water, make sure we have what we need or even help dose our medicine. To be sick and alone makes for a miserable time. 

When we are grieving loss at any level, it also is comforting to have a friend check in on us, even if we prefer to grieve alone. The presence of another soul, maybe just to sit quietly with us, can begin to give us hope.

In ancient history, the people of the nation of Israel frequently found themselves in need of hope or comfort. Recurrently, they made poor choices, particularly to rebel against God’s plan of salvation and security to pursue their own methods. This led to many warnings through God’s messengers, the prophets. Often unheeded, their choices led to many periods and forms of oppression or captivity.

Isaiah chapter 40 begins with a specific call from God for Isaiah to “Comfort My people.” In so doing, Isaiah reveals some things about God that we would do well to listen to. 

“Do you not know? Have you not heard?” Isaiah asks, calling us to consider that God has power and sovereignty over the world and its rulers.

He explicitly lists four things we ought to know about God in verse 28 that lead to a wonderful promise.

First, the Lord is the everlasting God. He is the only God and he is eternal. This should simplify things for us greatly! The God of the Bible is the one we can trust and count on.

Secondly, he writes that he — the Lord — is the creator of the whole earth. John begins his gospel account with a description of Jesus that confirms that he, as a distinct person of the triune God, created all things. This tracks with Isaiah’s testimony here. As creator of the whole earth, he is outside or above it. He rules it and knows what is best. This is true whether or not we agree.

Next we learn that God never becomes faint or weary. This is also very helpful and is in line with the first two points. If he is everlasting and the creator, it goes without saying that he never becomes weary. But sometimes we need that reminder as our energy dwindles and we feel faint, particularly at times when we are faint emotionally or physically, and needing comfort and encouragement.

Lastly, it says that there is no limit to his understanding. When we don’t understand what seems to be happening to us in life, it is still true that God’s understanding is limitless. 

Isaiah continues with a promise. God will impart his strength to the faint and strengthen the powerless. Those who trust in the Lord will have their strength renewed. It will feel like soaring on eagles’ wings by comparison! They will run and not become weary, they will walk and not feel faint!

This is good news! Jesus said a similar thing in Matthew 11:28-30:

“Come to Me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

One of the most burdensome things we carry is the guilt of our sin. It wears us down as we carry it day after day, looking for rest and help. We may feel that we have to because it is our fault, taking on not only guilt, but shame too. Some days are easier than others, but who doesn’t, in the quiet, dark times, feel the weight and wish for it to be taken away.

Jesus can give you comfort! In fact, he is the only sure answer to what ails you. Come to Jesus, he is inviting you. He waits to have you respond to his call and experience his eternal and limitless power. He can and will forgive you, and as soon as you surrender to him, he will take that burden and you can soar on eagles’ wings!


(Seth Carter is director of Campus Ventures in Powell.)
