Guest Column

January happenings at the library

By Karen Horner
Posted 1/7/25

Welcome to 2025, this looks to be a great year and there’s no better way to kick it off than by visiting Park County libraries and enjoying all we have to offer. January means it’s time …

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Guest Column

January happenings at the library


Welcome to 2025, this looks to be a great year and there’s no better way to kick it off than by visiting Park County libraries and enjoying all we have to offer. January means it’s time for the Winter Reading Challenge; all Park County libraries will be participating from Jan. 21 through Feb. 28. There’s no better way to enjoy winter than by curling up with a good book from the library and entering into a chance to win a prize for every book you read.

Are you interested in exploring your family history? Then sign up for Family History Friday starting at 9 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 10.

Also come to the library on Friday, Jan. 10 from 1-3 p.m. for craft time for all ages to make Slap Stick Bracelets. This fun craft is for adults, kids and families.

Craft time for ages 10 and up will be on Friday, Jan. 17 from 1-3 p.m. Join us and bottle the northern lights to take home.          

Powell Library is offering three different book discussions for all your literary tastes; all book discussions meet at the Homesteader Hall meeting room. The Tuesday evening book group meets on Jan. 7 at 6 p.m. and will discuss “The Terror” by Dan Simmons and on Jan. 28 at 6 p.m. to discuss “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The Tuesday Afternoon Book Discussion meets on Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. where we will be discussing “Remains of the Day” by Kazuo Ishiguro. Join us for the Fiction to Film Book Discussion on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. to discuss “The Polar Express” by Chris Van Allsburg.

Join us for Adult Craft Night on Thursday, Jan. 16 at 6 p.m. to make your own rock tic-tac-toe game at the Powell Elks Lodge at 581 N. Clark St.            

Powell Library is offering Tech Tuesday with Chris; sign up for a one-on-one session with Park County Library IT administrator who can help you with your device problems. Tech Tuesday will be on Jan. 21, sign ups required.    

Join us on Thursday, Jan. 23 at 6 p.m. for Japanese Calligraphy hosted by Heart Mountain Japan Outreach Initiative Coordinator Haruka Takaku. Space is limited so sign ups are required. 

Powell Library will be offering an Altered Book Club starting on Wednesday, Jan. 8; take home an adult craft kit and repurpose a book into a snowman.         

Teens come to the library on Friday, Jan. 24 at 1 p.m. for Nintendo Switch Game Day. Teens also join us on Friday, Jan. 31 at 1 p.m. for Teen Tech Friday; this is a great chance to learn about programming and computer diagnostics.  

Families interested in learning about 4-H, come to the Powell Library on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 6 p.m. for 4-H Open House hosted by Mary Louise Wood, the 4-H coordinator. 

Bring the kids to the Powell Library for our wonderful children’s programming. We will have Baby/Toddler Time Thursdays from Jan. 9-30 at 10:30 a.m. Join us every Wednesday for Storytime at 10:30 a.m. Sign up to Read to a Dog on Thursday, Jan. 23 from 3- 4:15 p.m. Join us for International Lego Day on Tuesday, Jan. 28 from 3:30-5 p.m. and enjoy building with Legos. Parents remember we have Early Literacy Kits as well as tonies for checkout. Also sign up your child for 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. Make sure and check out the new book at the Storywalk at Homesteader Park. This month’s story is “Yetis are the Worst” by Alex Willan.         

Remember Powell Library has new hours: We open at 8 a.m. Monday through Thursday. All Park County libraries will be closed Monday, Jan. 20 for Wyoming Equality Day and MLK Jr. Day.


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