Letters to the Editor
243 results total, viewing 161 - 180
Dear editor: In response to “When equality isn’t what it is dressed up to be” by Justine Larsen in the Powell Tribune, Tuesday April 4, 2023: She walks alone in the … more
Dear editor: First I want to congratulate Justine Larsen on her excellent article in defense of the rights of women. Instead of the Equality State I believe it would be more accurate to call us … more
Dear editor: In rebuttal to Justine Larsen’s April 4 column, I don’t know exactly what was being referred to when she proposed that women “would face arrest and prosecution … more
Dear editor: Morgan Tyree’s letter in the Tuesday, March 28 paper warrants a rebuttal, as true science no longer exists. We learned during Covid that Anthony Fauci “is science” … more
HE rolls back the heavy stone, HE appears in HIS shining glory. Why HE would do this for us, it is in the SAVIOR story!   We always think we are strong, but the fallen angel … more
Dear editor: Soon my family will be studying the Seder meal because it celebrates the “Peshah,” an Aramaic word meaning left behind. Peshah may be better known by many as the … more
Dear editor: The health of a society can be measured by its priorities. When a society holds individual pleasures in higher regard than the existence of a helpless human life, that society … more
Dear editor: As an eager visitor to the naturally beautiful state of Wyoming, I was appalled and disappointed to learn of the ubiquitous and indiscriminate trapping and snaring practices present … more
Dear editor: Cody Regional Health’s recent decision to stop random employee drug testing for THC (marijuana) should be of great concern to patients. From the reporting, it seems the basis … more
Dear editor: Regarding the recent letter to the editor by Tina Purdy on the dangers of wind and solar energy systems, I had to question the shady sources listed at the end of her piece. I think … more
Dear editor: If you are a veteran in crisis or concerned about someone who is, help is here. In January, the new COMPACT Act went into effect across the U.S. The COMPACT Act is the … more
Dear editor: Though I no longer live in Powell I consider it my home, having been raised there during my formal years. For this reason, I am deeply concerned about the community’s direction … more
Dear editor: I was watching an episode of “Jay Leno’s Garage” the other night. His guest in that episode was Elon Musk, who said something to the effect that “regulations … more
Dear editor: Wind turbines in Altamont Pass, California kill 4,700 birds annually. The birds tend to be larger species like golden eagles, which reproduce slowly. Migratory bat species (important … more
Dear editor: In both my adult and children’s sermons, I have preached about what our role is in responding when someone is being bullied (oppressed, marginalized, being treated … more
Dear editor: This is a belated congratulation to Gabby Patterson for her column on the new book policy. She so astutely points out the facts that so many adults refuse to acknowledge. All of … more
Dear editor: We read the article about mandatory microchips in the March 7 Powell Tribune with great interest and frustration. We would put nothing past our present federal … more
Dear editor: I am very appalled at the lack of support from the people who live in and around Powell. It is upsetting enough that Albertsons comes in, will eventually run one of the … more
Dear editor: In response to Mr. Bromley’s letter to the editor on Feb. 28, I couldn’t agree more. I also urge the residents of Park County to resist the “feel-good” … more
Dear editor: It seems that we have reached that time of year where once again our ecologically illiterate political leaders have ventured forth from their dens to loudly proclaim that the … more
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