Letters to the Editor
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Dear editor: Powell Valley Recycling board members and CrushIt would like to thank granting organizations, businesses and individuals for generously supporting our efforts to purchase a glass … more
Dear editor: This letter is in response to campaign flyers by David Hill who is running for State House District 50 against Rep. Rachel Rodriguez-Williams (R-Cody). One of Mr. Hill’s … more
Dear editor: Wyoming Right to Life is compelled to defend itself from the misrepresentation by candidate for Senate District 18, Landon Greer at the Republican Party legislative candidate debate … more
Dear editor: A letter to the editor in the Aug. 1 Powell Tribune entitled, “Trump wants to do away with democracy,” is a shining example of underinformed people parroting the tainted … more
Dear editor, people of Powell: I am not a political person; in fact, I generally try to avoid political conversations. In my home, you can talk about almost anything — but no politics. I … more
Dear editor:  Last Tuesday, I received a political flyer in the mail from a Virginia based organization, Make Liberty Win. This hateful flyer attacked a Wyoming candidate for the House of … more
Dear editor:  It is election season. Recently, I received mail about a House representative that I know to be false. It is a sad thing that out of state lobby groups, who have no idea … more
Dear editor: Following a 2024 Wyoming legislative session that was marred by misinformation, I urge voters to seek out the real facts about the candidates in the various races. I would like to … more
Dear editor: Did you ever think Reds (Republican-leaning) and Blues (Democrat-leaning) could watch a Trump-Biden presidential debate together? It happened, successfully! We were among … more
Dear editor: Discernment. Discernment is a learned skill. We should learn this from our parents. Parents should sit down with children and discuss the concepts of decision making. If you are … more
Dear editor: Many of us pay a variety of taxes, but understanding where that money goes can be confusing. Let's break down the destinations of our tax dollars in Wyoming. Property Taxes: … more
Dear editor: I would like to thank the Tribune for publishing the guest editorial “A Hiding Habit” June 27, 2024. I have long thought our Park County commissioners make pretty … more
Dear editor: This is a reminder, be very careful who you vote for if you vote Republican. I was reading an article at Evidencebasedwyoming.com called “Who are the Big Spenders in the … more
Dear editor: We can all help prevent suicide. This month marks two years since our nation launched 988, the easy-to-remember, nationwide mental health crisis helpline. Since launch, 988 has … more
Dear editor: A July 2 letter to the editor from Pat Winlow titled “divisive rhetoric isn’t good for nation” was a well written, respectful opinion. Thankfully, we … more
Dear editor: The proposed Wyoming State Shooting Complex is in a very poorly chosen place. Anyone who drives that stretch of road knows that is one of the highest wind corridors … more
Dear editor: I’ve been reading about the proposed shooting complex, with Cody as a finalist. A lot of money has been spent getting this far in the process, and much more has been promised, … more
Dear editor: This Fourth of July, Americans everywhere come together to celebrate a historically significant day where we broke free from the tyrannical rule of the English empire. Over the … more
Dear editor: I am writing in regards to a letter from Linda and Bob Graff in the June 25 edition of the Tribune. In the last paragraph they write “This country is now controlled by a group … more
Dear editor: Park County is one of the possible sites that will be selected this week for the new Wyoming State Shooting Complex. The Wyoming State Legislature has promised $10 million towards … more
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