493 results total, viewing 121 - 140
W hen I was around the age of 12, the idea of showing market lambs in the local 4-H sparked my interest. Around that time, my sister decided she was going to show market hogs. Of course, I … more
H urray for election season! For months on end, we get to see wall-to-wall coverage of just how bad everyone running for office is; if you are not careful you’ll begin to think that there are … more
A ll politics is local.” (Byron Price, 1932) Every four years Americans engage in a time-honored tradition, as old as the republic: election season. For four to six months we celebrate a … more
O ne time I asked a 100-year-old client, “Do you have any words of wisdom for young people?” She thought a moment and nodded, “Eat while you still have your … more
Not everyone realizes Wyoming is the nation’s largest uranium producer, but it’s true. Our state is fortunate to be home to the country’s largest-known uranium ore … more
As the 2024 Presidential Election draws near, the political board has been strategically filled with its players. Debates have begun, they’re hitting the campaign trails and one candidate has … more
Barbara Mandrell sang “Sleeping single in a double bed ...” Barb was bemoaning the fact she's alone in a big bed, but I find it perfectly delightful. I've long trumpeted the benefits of … more
“I love it when a plan comes together!” The phrase attributed to John “Hannibal” Smith from the popular 1980s TV show — “The A Team,” sums up a feeling … more
Well, it’s been a quiet season so far at York Westbound. Fellow Prairie Home Companion/Garrison Keillor fans might sniff out a subtle reference to his iconic opening line: “Well, … more
The majority of this column is a condensed version of a recent talk about finding joy by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Flying was risky in the early days of aviation. The Wright brothers knew this. … more
I often write letters to our offspring. We text almost daily, call a few times each month and try to get together whenever we can, but I still like to write letters to them. Do they hate getting the … more
I recently had a conversation with a legislator about the work done on property tax relief this year. As he campaigns for reelection, this legislator is often hearing from constituents about rising … more
As a little girl, I quickly picked up on things I liked and disliked. It started with food, and often clothing, but very quickly led to personality traits. My favorite storybook from a very … more
Recently, my Bible study group started the book “What Does It Mean To Be Chosen?” a study based around the TV show “The Chosen.” The idea is that you watch the episode … more
As I contemplated what would be the subject of this column over the past week, it became clear in the last 48 hours. In response to the devastating and destructive shootings in the past … more
If you have been involved in athletics, whether it be the youngest level all the way through the college level here in Powell and around the state, you’ll notice a consistent message being sent … more
Tough to draw a bull moose permit in the north Bighorns, you say? Au contraire. I “hunt” moose up there permit-free anytime I want to … and can get there. All four seasons? … more
I grew up hearing stories about my great uncles John, Harold and Ed who fought against Hitler and the Nazis in World War II to defend us from the scourge of fascism. Uncle John and Ed told us how … more
Many of you reading this may not know but the church I am blessed to pastor, First Southern Baptist Church of Powell, is in the process of changing our name. We are voting on this later this month. … more
Park County Library will spend the month of July finishing up summer reading. This year’s summer reading theme is Adventure Begins at your Library and is open to all ages. It is never too late … more
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