Liquor license renewals


Notice of Application for Renewal of City of Powell
Liquor Licenses for the Year 2020
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the applicants whose names are set forth below filed applications for renewal of their liquor licenses for 2020, in the Office of the Clerk of the City of Powell, Wyoming. The names of said applicants and the description of the place or premise which the applicant desires to use as the place of sale are set forth as follows:
Renewal of Retail Liquor Licenses
License #1 ACX3; DBA K Bar Saloon 219 E 1st St.
License #2 KBLA Inc.; DBA Blairs Market 331 W Coulter Ave.
License #6 Powell Lamplighter Inc.; DBA The Lamplighter Inn 234 E 1st St.
License #7 M & RW Enterprise; DBA Red Stag 145 S Bent St.
License #9 Zimbo Development LLC; DBA The Red Zone 124 N Bent St.
License #10 Y & S LLC; DBA Sage 238 S Douglas St
License #11 Maverik Inc.; DBA Maverik #346 819 E Coulter Ave.
License #12 Millstone Pizza II LLC; DBA Millstone Pizza CO & Brewery 113 S Bent St.
License #13 Bailey Enterprise Inc.; DBA Pit Stop #11 733 E Coulter Ave.
License #14 McCullough Enterprises Inc.; DBA The Peaks 127 S Bent St.
License #16 Jennifer Sparks; DBA Backstreet Pub 158 S Bent St.
License #17 WYOld West Brewing Company LLC;
DBA WYOld West Brewing Company 221 N Bent St.
License # 21 Motherway Investments Inc.; DBA Mr. Ds Powell 421 E 1st St.
Renewal of Microbrewery Licenses
License #20 WYOld West Brewing Company LLC;
DBA WYOld West Brewing Company 221 N Bent St.
Renewal of Limited Retail Licenses (Veterans & Fraternal Clubs)
License #3 Hughes Pittinger Post 26 The American Legion;
DBA American Legion 143 S Clark St.
License #4 Fraternal Order of Eagles FO #2426;
DBA Powell FOE 2426 131 N Clark St.
License #5 Veterans of Foreign Wars;
DBA J S McDonald VFW Post 5054 253 S Fair St.
License #8 BPO Elks #2303; DBA Elks Club 581 N Clark St.
Renewal of Restaurant Liquor Licenses
License #15 Pizza Hut of Powell Inc.; DBA Pizza Hut 855 E Coulter Ave.
A 4’ x 6’ room on East side of Bldg.
License #19 EL Tap 307, LLC; DBA El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant 112 N Bent St.
A 5’ x 15’ room in back of dining room.
Protests if any against the renewal of any of these licenses will be heard at a public hearing to be held at 6:00 p.m. on November 18, 2019 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Powell, Wyoming.
Tiffany Brando, City Clerk
First Publ., Thurs., Nov. 7, 2019
Final Publ., Thurs., Nov. 14, 2019


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