Sealed bids for the supply and delivery of a New 2019 or Newer Tool Carrier 4-Wheel Drive Loader for the City of Powell’s street department will be received by the City of Powell, 270 North Clark, Powell, Wyoming, 82435 until 10:00 AM, Tuesday, August 13, 2019.
Mailed and hand delivered bids shall have the words “WHEEL LOADER” written on the outside of the envelope. The bids will be publicly opened, read and acknowledged at the above hour and date and award will be made as soon thereafter as practicable.
Bids received after the time and date above will be rejected and returned unopened.
Copies of the details, requirements and specifications may be obtained from the City of Powell, 270 North Clark, Powell, Wyoming, free of charge.
The City of Powell reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informality in any bid received.
City Administrator, Zack Thorington
First Publ., Tues., July 16, 2019
Final Publ., Tues., July 23, 2019