Garage project bids


Garage project bids

Powell Valley Healthcare
Ambulance Garage Project
The Powell Valley Hospital District is requesting bids for the Powell Valley Healthcare Ambulance Garage project. The Project consists of the construction and associated site work for a new ambulance parking garage building at the Powell Valley Hospital in Powell, WY. The construction of the building includes 2,560 square feet of typical wood construction structure with materials including but not limited to concrete, wood framing, gypsum wallboard, wood trusses, various finishes, metal panel roofing, interior and exterior metal wall siding and complete mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems. Also included are site work for utilities, concrete building approach apron, and site landscape & irrigation system restoration.
First copies of the contract documents will be on file after September 26, 2022 and open to public inspection in the office of Plan One/Architects, 225 W Sheridan Avenue, Suite 4, Cody, WY  82414 or as posted to Quest Construction Data Network at HYPERLINK “” Paper plans and specifications will not be available, bidders must access the website listed above. Documents may be viewed and downloaded for a fee of $25.00. Deposits are non-refundable.
A non-mandatory project walk-thru is being offered for all bidding prime contractors, subcontractors and suppliers. The walk-thru will be held on October 13, 2022, at 10:00 A.M. Meet at Powell Valley Healthcare, 777 Ave. H, Powell, Wyoming 82435 at the parking lot adjacent to the medical office building.
All proposals must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of the maximum amount of the proposal. Successful bidder to provide a 100% Performance and Payment Bond.
The Owner reserves the privilege of rejecting any or all proposals or waiving any irregularities or formalities in any proposal in the bidding. Submit written proposals to: Powell Valley Healthcare, 777 Ave. H, Powell, Wyoming 82435. Sealed proposals marked “Powell Valley Ambulance Garage Project” on the outside of the envelope must be received by 2:00 P.M. November 10, 2022.
Scott Shopa, Director of
Dated September 26, 2022
Facilities Management
First Publ., Tues., Sept. 27, 2022
Final Publ., Tues., Oct. 4, 2022
