Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Chairman Fulkerson called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, July 2, 2019. Present were Vice Chairman, Joe Tilden, Commissioners Dossie Overfield and Lloyd Thiel, and Clerk Colleen Renner. Commissioner Lee Livingston was absent.
Leo Wolfson led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Items:
Approve-Minutes, Payroll and Vouchers
Commissioner Tilden made a motion to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from June 17, 18, and 20, bi-weekly payroll in the amount of $587,374.01, 24-Hour Malt Beverage Permit for University of Wyoming dba Powell Research Extension Center, Catering Permit for WYold West Brewing Company and a contract between the Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division and Park County. Commissioner Overfield seconded and the motion carried.
Park County Clerk, Colleen Renner – RE: PUBLIC HEARING – Proposed Amendments to Budget FY 2019
Chairman Fulkerson opened the public hearing.
The resolution included these amendments:
Increase revenue for Public Health Emergency Preparedness Grant by $20,000.00.
Increase the following Expenditure Items:
Increase Park County Fair Board by $14,750.00
Increase District Court Judge by $36,075.45
Increase Youth Services by $1,227.03
Increase Commissioners by $18,045.27
Increase County Treasurer by $1,943.30
Increase Planning & Zoning by $15,207.35
Increase Specific Purpose Tax by $40,648.81
Increase Public Health by $34,368.21
Increase Public Health Emergency Preparedness by $21,956.51
The total increase in expenditures is $184,221.93.
Commissioner Tilden made a motion to close the public hearing,
Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Tilden made a motion to approve the amendments as presented for budget FY18-19, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Commissioners – RE:
• Park County Employee Hiring Freeze – After discussion Commissioner Thiel made a motion to implement a hiring freeze effective immediately, Commissioner Tilden seconded, Commissioner Overfield clarified that each hire would be looked at independently, and motion carried. Later discussion regarding what departments are covered by the hiring freeze took place and Commissioner Thiel amended his motion to include all departments and boards. Commissioner Tilden concurred and the amended motion carried.
• Park County Budget Committee – The Commission would like to put together a committee with Elected Officials and Department Heads to brainstorm ideas to cut cost that are sustainable. After discussion with regards to this committee having a chair and vice chair, with two commissioners also serving, Commissioner Tilden will take lead on the committee, Commissioner Overfield will also sit on the committee. Deputy Clerk Odde would like to see Steve Pomajzl and Bobbie Hinze also working with this committee with regards to Accounts Payable and Payroll. Each department may also appoint others to work with this committee.
Commissioner Overfield read a statement from Steve Penwell who was recently appointed Chairman of the Health, Safety & Wellness Committee. Options presented in the letter on savings regarding the blood draw, reviewing incentive payout, money saved on Compass, recommendation to try Healthy Is for 6-month trial period. These recommendations will only affect the health insurance account and not the general fund.
Northwest College President Steffanie Hicswa – RE: Plans for the new Northwest College Student Center
Ms. Hicswa presented plans for a new student center on the campus of NWC and stated how important this project is to the economic growth of our communities here in Park County. NWC will be seeking funding from the legislature this upcoming session, doing some fund raising and wanting to partner on a special purpose tax proposal with cities, towns and the county. Board Chairman Dusty Spomer spoke briefly about how critical this project is for the county. If funding becomes available, the project would begin in 2021 with a completion date in the Fall of 2022. Commissioner Tilden questioned a Plan B if the special purpose tax would not pass and Ms. Hicswa stated they would look at a bond, mill levy or a loan. City of Powell Mayor John Wetzel stated the college is an anchor to Powell and he and the city council stands behind this project as it is beneficial to all of Park County. Matt Hall, Cody Mayor stated that the City of Cody is supportive of the project.
Continue Park County Commissioners – RE:
Discussion on 911 surcharge Increase to $0.75 – Mike Conners, IT Director presented to the board the history of the present surcharge of $0.50 per land/mobile line per month. At present the expenses are starting to outstrip the revenue and as this is a life, health and safety issue the Commissioners would like to consider increasing the surcharge to $0.75. After discussion the board decided to hold a public hearing on August 6 at 9:45 a.m.
A brief discussion was held with France Clymer, Library Director as there was a difference in the budgeted amount requested and the documentation recently sent to the Clerk. Ms. Clymer stated she will have a position opening in the Meeteetse Library and the Commissioners confirmed that she will need to come before them to approve rehiring the position.
Park County Commissioners – RE: Park County Homeland Security, Ginny Ramey Retirement
Chairman Fulkerson recognized Ginny Ramey for her years of service with Park County.
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and the motion carried.
Jake Fulkerson, Chairman
Joe Tilden, Vice Chairman
Lee Livingston, Commissioner
Dossie Overfield, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ, Thurs., July 18, 2019