An Ordinance Amending Paragraph G of Section 10.36.020 of the Powell City Code by Allowing Parallel Parking of Recreational Vehicles in Diagonal Parking Spots Abutting Residential Dwelling Units Owned or Rented by the Owner of the Recreational Vehicle Under Certain Circumstances.
The foregoing ordinance, adopted and approved the 5th day of August , 2019 is determined and deemed to be in the public interest to amend sections 10.36.020 (G) by allowing parallel parking of recreational vehicles in diagonal parking for residential areas.
Passed on first reading this 1st day of July, 2019
Passed on second reading this 15th day of July, 2019
Passed on third reading this 15th day of August, 2019
The entire ordinance is available by contacting City Hall at 270 N Clark St Powell, Wyoming.
Tiffany Brando
City Clerk
Publ., Thurs., Aug. 8, 2019