City minutes April 15, 2019


City Council Proceedings
April 15, 2019
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on April 15, 2019 in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Council President Jim Hillberry opened the meeting and led those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Council President Hillberry called the meeting to order and the following were present: Council Members Jim Hillberry, Floyd Young Tim Sapp, Scott Mangold, Lesli Spencer and Steven Lensegrav. Absent Mayor John Wetzel.
City Officials: City Administrator Zane Logan, City Clerk Tiffany Brando, City Attorney Sandee Kitchen, Deputy Attorney Scott Kath and IT Manager Zack Thorington. Approval of Agenda: Councilman Mangold moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Approval of April 1, 2019 meeting minutes. Councilwoman Spencer made a motion to table until May 6, 2019 meeting, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Bills and Claims: Councilwoman Spencer made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Request to land helicopter for NWC rooftop unit replacements by Schrader Metal. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Signage for Wiggly Park (dog park) presented to council and Councilman Young asked about removal of trees and it was stated one tree removed and another trimmed. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve the signage presented, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Committee Updates: Councilman Hillberry Shoshone Municipal Pipeline, Councilwoman Spencer Airport Board, Councilman Young Arbor Day, Councilman Lensegrav Golf Board and Councilman Mangold Recreation Board. City Administrator Agreement: Zachary M. Thorington City Administrator agreement presented and Councilman Mangold and Councilwoman Spencer both spoke on the agreement and is a fair agreement for both parties. Mr. Thorington spoke on the agreement terms and thanked the Council. Councilman Mangold moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Owner’s Representative Agreement for Hotel/Convention project presented for Zane Logan to be the City’s representative on a part time employment contract. Discussion of start date and agreement to be July 15, 2019 contingent on completion of all grant requirements being met for private funding by the developer. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve the agreement contingent on all grant requirements being met beginning July 15, 2019, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. WAM Voting delegate for summer WAM Convention June 12-14, 2019 in Sheridan. Councilman Lensegrav and Councilwoman Spencer will be attending as well as Mayor Wetzel. Councilman Young moved for Mayor Wetzel be the voting delegate and Councilwoman Spencer the alternate, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance No. 6, 2019: Read by title Attorney Kath – An Ordinance Re-Zoning A Portion of Tract 3, Lot 63, Triple S Subdivision to the City of Powell from Limited Industrial District (I-L) to Residential Mixed Use District (R-M). Councilman Young moved to approve on third reading, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Subdivision and Final Plat for Triple S Subdivision presented by Attorney Kath and Councilman Mangold moved to approve and authorize necessary signatures, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. WYDOT Sealcoat/Marking State Aid 2019 agreement for Airport project presented by Administrator Logan. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve and authorize all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Third Quarter Revenue and Expenses presented by Administrator Logan and overall revenue is at 78% with general fund at 82% while overall expenses are at 68% and general fund is at 73%. General Announcements: Administrator Logan update on WMPA meetings, and the budget meeting is set for May 6th at 2:00 p.m. Updated on the Absaroka Street project.
There being no further business to be considered at this meeting, Councilman Mangold moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Council President Hillberry adjourned the regular meeting at 6:43 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel
/s/ Tiffany Brando
City Clerk

Publ., Thurs., April 25, 2019
