At their regular meeting on Tuesday, August 6th, 2019 at 10:30 a.m., the Park County Board of Commissioners will conduct a public hearing to consider the variance request of William Ambrose, Applicant for Powell Country Club Estates Major Subdivision. Mr. Ambrose proposes a three-month extension from the preliminary plat expiration deadline of May 15, 2019 to produce the required documents to proceed to the Final Plat process for Powell Country Club Estates Major Subdivision located in Lot 40-A, RS, T56N, R98W, 6th PM, Park County, WY, in a GR-P (General Rural Powell) zoning district. This parcel is west of County Road 5 and south of the Powell Country Club Golf Course.
The hearing will be held in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room #105 in the Original Courthouse, 1002 Sheridan Ave., Cody, WY. Anyone wishing to comment on this matter is encouraged to attend or submit written comments to the Planning & Zoning Department, Suite #109, 1002 Sheridan Ave., Cody, WY 82414. For more information call 527-8540 or 754-8540.
First Publ., Tues., July 16, 2019
Second Publ., Tues., July 30, 2019