Schools should leave behavioral health to parents

Submitted by  Debbie Velez
Posted 12/1/22

Dear editor:

This is in response to your opinion article titled ‘School district appears to be doing right by our children’, dated Nov. 29, 2022.

I would agree that schools are …

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Schools should leave behavioral health to parents


Dear editor:

This is in response to your opinion article titled ‘School district appears to be doing right by our children’, dated Nov. 29, 2022.

I would agree that schools are meant to be challenging … with academics, not with politics. Several cryptic classes are being enforced in school, which have nothing to do with history, English or math.

Examples are: Tier 2 Targeted Intervention course (sponsored by American Community Corrections Institute); SWAG = Student With Advocacy Group, PBIS = Personal Behavior Improvement system. Acronyms are the new academics. Advocacy is the act or process of supporting or promoting a cause — what cause? Let parents deal with emotions and let teachers teach accountability. The Powell school system has a $188,000 budget for psychological services. Public schools should not be in the behavioral health business. We are so worried about making every student feel good, that most working at local businesses cannot count change back to a customer.

When a high school teacher sponsors the gay club, that is absolutely verifying diverse issues being taught!

 Debbie Velez



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