Park County shooters make a statement

Local 4-H shooters tie Albany for top points at state shoot

Posted 7/23/24

Park County shooters walked away from the 2024 Wyoming 4-H State Shoot with 44 top awards in the competition, held in Douglas earlier in July. In a competition with almost 700 participants from …

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Park County shooters make a statement

Local 4-H shooters tie Albany for top points at state shoot


Park County shooters walked away from the 2024 Wyoming 4-H State Shoot with 44 top awards in the competition, held in Douglas earlier in July. In a competition with almost 700 participants from around the state, the strong local contingent of individual shooters made the podium 27 times and county teams made 17 trips, including 11 first place team trophies.

Park County tied with Albany County for the overall high points, though there is not an award for a championship county in the competition. Individually, Ellie and Esther Feathers, Russell and Rhett Goolsbey, and Shelby Fagan all won at least one individual championship.

Participants winning the top team trophy included Ellie Feathers, Reese Lowe, Esther Feathers, Dakota Erickson, Russell Goolsbey, Hayden Serr, Rhett Goolsbey, Addie Fette, Shelby Fagan, Reata Moore, Charlee Brence, Trey Erickson, Sophia Serr, Addie Fetter, Maria Estes, Cole Fauskee, Reese Lowe, Macie Donaldson, Mason Lowe and Sophia Whitelock all received first place awards for team championships.

Starla Craig, who has been involved in 4-H most of her life and is quietly celebrating her 40th anniversary in leadership roles in Powell, said Park County shooters stepped up their game for the competition.

“We had a lot of kids score personal records at state,” she said.

Two shooters had already graduated from Powell High School, but returned for their final year of eligibility. 4-H members can shoot as long as they are 18 years-old, even after graduation.

Shelby Fagan turned 19 just days after the competition and picked up the top individual awards for the Senior Air Rifle Sporter and Sr. .22 Rifle Sporter divisions and a first place team award for Sr. Archery Class D division.

“She wanted to win state sporter air rifle, and she won it,” Craig said.

Reata Moore, also 19, won the highly coveted Raton Trip, awarded to the top 12 shooters in the state. The trip is to the NRA Whittington center.

Located near Raton, New Mexico, the NRA Whittington Center is home to the nation’s premier hunting, shooting, and outdoor recreation facility. Founded in 1973, the center offers ranges for every kind of shooting discipline, a shotgun center, a firearms museum, specialized firearms training, guided and unguided hunts and an adventure camp for younger shooters and wildlife adventurers.

“It's her last year and she worked her tail off this year,” Craig said of Moore.

Two Powell Pioneer baseball teammates, Dakota Erickson and Cole Fauskee also competed and went to long lengths to both compete in the state shoot and make it to an away game the same weekend. They competed in Douglas on Friday and then caught a ride to Gillette for a Saturday game.

Everyone who made it to state was dedicated and Craig was extremely proud in all of their accomplishments.

“I just love working with kids,” she said. “I teach gymnastics, sewing and shooting. Somebody said to me that none of those have anything in common. And I said, ‘Oh, yes, they do. They all have kids.’”

Craig isn’t slowing down. She has several grandchildren in 4-H who will participate in this year’s fair — from shooting to the fashion revue.

Craig’s mother Mary Gradert, who has been in or leading 4-H for more than 70 years, said she remembers when Starla went to state in the fashion revue, where competitors design and create their own styles. Starla constructed satin shorts, a jacket and a hat for a competition that involved 101 other high school seniors.

“She loves kids and will do anything she can for the kids, because, you know, they are our future,” Gradert said.

Park County top winners

Sr. .22 Rifle Light Target 

1. Ellie Feathers, 2. Reese Lowe, 3. Esther Feathers,

Jr .22 Rifle Sporter

3. Mason Lowe

Int .22 Rifle Sporter

2. Russell Goolsbey, 4. Hayden Serr

Int Air Pistol 

3. Russell Goolsbey

Sr Air Pistol 

2. Esther Feathers

Int Air Rifle Light Target 

3. Sean Lowe

Int Air Rifle Sporter

1. Russell Goolsbey, 3. Rhett Goolsbey

Sr Air Rifle Sporter

1. Shelby Fagan, 2. Reata Moore, 3. Charlee Brence, 4. Kate Miller

Jr Archery 3D Class A

3. Rowdee Goolsbey

Jr Archery Target Class A

4. Rowdee Goolsbey

Int Archery 3D Class A

1. Rhett Goolsbey, 3. Russell Goolsbey 

Int Archery Target Class A 

1. Rhett Goolsbey, 2. Russell Goolsbey,

Int Archery Target Class C

3. Sophia Serr

Int Archery 3D Class D

2. Sean Lowe

Jr Muzzleloading

3. Rowdee Goolsbey

Int Muzzleloading

3. Rhett Goolsbey

Sr Muzzleloading

3. Reata Moore

Int Shotgun Singles

4. Russell Goolsbey

Jr Outdoor Skills

4. Rowdee Goolsbey


Team Results

Jr .22 Pistol

3. Russell Goolsbey, Sean Lowe, Rhett Goolsbey, Rowdee Goolsbey

Sr .22 Rifle Light Target

1. Ellie Feathers, Reese Lowe, Esther Feathers, Dakota Erickson

Jr .22 Rifle Sporter

1. Russell Goolsbey, Hayden Serr, Rhett Goolsbey, Addie Fetter

Sr .22 Rifle Sporter

1. Shelby Fagan, Reata Moore, Charlee Brence

Jr Air Pistol

2. Russell Goolsbey, Sean Lowe, Rhett Goolsbey, Dylan Dicks

Sr Air Pistol

2. Esther Feathers, Reese Lowe, Ellie Feathers, Reata Moore

Jr Air Rifle Heavy Target

3. Macie Donaldson, Hayden Serr, Gabe Leighton, Dylan Dicks

Sr Air Rifle Heavy Target

1. Esther Feathers, Ellie Feathers, Dakota Erickson, Trey Erickson

Jr Air Rifle Sporter

1. Russell Goolsbey, Rhett Goolsbey, Sophia Serr, Addie Fetter

Sr Archery Class A

1. Trey Erickson, Maria Estes, Dakota Erickson

Sr Archery Class D

1. Owen Foley, Cole Fauskee, Reese Lowe

1. Shelby Fagan, Charlee Brence, Reata Moore, Kate Miller  

Jr Archery Class A

1. Rowdee Goolsbey, Russell Goolsbey, Rhett Goolsbey 

Sr Archery Class A 

1. Maria Estes, Trey Erickson, Tommy Catone 

Jr Archery Class C

Sr Archery Class A

1. Trey Erickson, Maria Estes, Dakota Erickson

Sr Archery Class D

1. Owen Foley, Cole Fauskee, Reese Lowe

Jr Muzzleloading

1. Rhett Goolsbey, Russell Goolsbey, Macie Donaldson, Mason Lowe

Sr Muzzleloading

1. Trey Erickson, Reese Lowe, Reata Moore, Sophia Whitelock

Jr Shotgun

3. Russell Goosbey, Rhett Goolsbey, Rowdee Goolsbey, Charlie Muecke, Sean Lowe

Raton Trip Winner

Reata Moore 


Full list of winners

Jr .22 Pistol 

9. Braxton Sullivan, 11. Rowdee Goolsbey, 

Int .22 Pistol

5. Russell Goolsbey, 7. Sean Lowe, 9. Rhett Goolsbey, 36. Dylan Dicks, 42. Charlee Muecke, 44. Milly Jones, 46. Sophia Serr

Sr .22 Pistol

1. Esther Feathers, 5. Reese Lowe, 11th Ellie Feathers, 19. Reata Moore,  25. Shelby Fagan, 39. Trey Erickson, 57. Tucker Muecke

Int .22 Rifle Light Target 

4. Sean Lowe, 7. Macie Donaldson, 25. Gabe Leighton, 33. Stella Leighton 

Sr. .22 Rifle Light Target 

1. Ellie Feathers, 2. Reese Lowe, 3. Esther Feathers, 8. Trey Erickson, 9. Dakota Erickson, 13. Phillip Ellis, 17. Tucker Muecke, 32. Maria Estes, 34. Adaya Whitelock, 40. Sophia Whitelock 

Jr .22 Rifle Sporter

3. Mason Lowe, 14. Braxton Sullivan, 26. Rowdee Goolsbey 

Int .22 Rifle Sporter

2. Russell Goolsbey, 4. Hayden Serr, 6. Rhett Goolsbey, 8. Addie Fetter, 10. Sophia Serr, 14. Charlee Muecke, 18. Dylan Dicks, 23. Milly Jones

Sr .22 Rifle Sporter

5. Shelby Fagan, 12. Reata Moore, 13. Charlee Brence

Jr Air Pistol 

13. Rowdee Goolsbey, 

Int Air Pistol 

3. Russell Goolsbey, 8. Sean Lowe, 11th Rhett Goolsbey, 17. Braeden Curtis, 35. Dylan Dicks, 43. Gabe Leighton, 44. Tanner Quinterno, 46. Sophia Serr, 47. Macie Donaldson, 51. Hayden Serr 

Sr Air Pistol 

2. Esther Feathers, 10. Reese Lowe, 12. Ellie Feathers, 15. Reata Moore, 22. Charlee Brence, 35. Phillip Ellis, 37. Eva Ellis, 38. Dakota Erickson, 50. Trey Erickson, 53. Shelby Fagan, 63. Adaya Whitelock

Int Air Rifle Light Target 

3. Sean Lowe, 23. Braeden Curtis, 25. Tanner Quinterno

Sr Air Rifle Light Target 

2. Reese Lowe, 8. Eva Ellis, 9. Phillip Ellis, 14. Noelle Leighton

Int Air Rifle Heavy Target 

15. Macie Donaldson, 17. Hayden Serr, 18. Gabe Leighton, 19. Dylan Dicks

Sr Air Rifle Heavy Target 

3. Esther Feathers, 6. Ellie Feathers, 8. Dakota Erickson, 11th Trey Erickson, 22. Sophia Whitelock, 31. Adaya Whitelock

Jr Air Rifle Sporter

8. Mason Lowe, 12. Rowdee Goolsbey, 14. Lejiend Martin, 19. Torie Howard, 36. Delia Quinterno

Int Air Rifle Sporter

1. Russell Goolsbey, 3. Rhett Goolsbey, 4. Sophia Serr, 5. Addie Fetter, 

Sr Air Rifle Sporter

1. Shelby Fagan, 2. Reata Moore, 3. Charlee Brence, 4. Kate Miller

Jr Archery 3D Class A

3.  Rowdee Goolsbey

Jr Archery Target Class A

4.  Rowdee Goolsbey

Int Archery 3D Class A

1. Rhett Goolsbey, 3. Russell Goolsbey, 

Int Archery Target Class A 

1. Rhett Goolsbey, 2. Russell Goolsbey, 

Sr Archery 3D Class A

3. Maria Estes, 8. Dakota Erickson, 10. Trey Erickson

Sr Archery Target Class A 

4. Trey Erickson, 8. Maria Estes, 10. Dakota Erickson

Int Archery 3D Class B

13. Stella Leighton, 15. Eaen Estes, 

Int Archery Target Class B

9. Stella Leighton, 14. Eaen Estes

Sr Archery 3D Class B

10. Phillip Ellis 

Sr Archery Target Class B

14. Phillip Ellis

Jr Archery 3D Class C

12. Torie Howard, 

Jr Archery Target Class C

9. Torie Howard

Int Archery 3D Class C

5. Sophia Serr 

Int Archery Target Class C

3. Sophia Serr

Jr Archery 3D Class D

14. Braxton Sullivan, 17. Francis Wenck, 29. Mason Lowe, 57. Felicity Wenck

Jr Archery Target Class D

7. Braxton Sullivan, 13. Mason Lowe, 44. Francis Wenck, 68. Felicity Wenck

Int Archery 3D Class D

2. Sean Lowe, 20. Milly Jones, 34. Macie Donaldson, 78. Blake Donaldson, 99. Hayden Serr 

Int Archery Target Class D

8. Millly Jones, 9. Sean Lowe, 18. Macie Donaldson, 51. Blake Donaldson, 97. Hayden Serr 

Sr Archery 3D Class D

7. Reese Lowe, 10. Cole Fauskee, 18. Owen Foley, 75 Brenna McQuiston, 80. Noelle Leighton, 85. Connor Howard

Sr Archery Target Class D

6. Owen Foley, 7. Cole Fauskee, 15 Reese Lowe, 66. Brenna McQuiston, 78. Conner Howard, 79 Noelle Leighton

Jr Muzzleloading

3. Rowdee Goolsbey, 5. Mason Lowe

Int Muzzleloading

3. Rhett Goolsbey, 6. Russell Goolsbey, 14. Sean Lowe, 18. Macie Donaldson

Sr Muzzleloading

3. Reata Moore, 4. Reese Lowe, 5. Trey Erickson, 14. Dakota Erickson, 25. Esther Feathers, 39. Sophia Whitelock, 40. Adaya Whitelock 

Jr Shotgun Singles

10. Rowdee Goolsbey, 16. Mason Lowe

Jr Shotgun Handicap

8. Rowdee Goolsbey, 16. Mason Lowe

Int Shotgun Singles

4. Russell Goolsbey, 7. Charlee Muecke, 7. Sean Lowe, 12. Rhett Goolsbey, 24. Macie Donaldson 

Int Shotgun Handicap

7. Sean Lowe, 11. Russell Goolsbey, 14. Rhett Goolsbey, 16. Charlee Muecke, 29 Macie Donaldson

Sr Shotgun Singles

5. Trey Erickson, 13. Reese Lowe, 16. Maria Estes, 19. Tucker Muecke, 25. Adaya Whitelock, 29. Sophia Whitelock

Sr Shotgun Handicap

8. Trey Erickson, 20. Maria Estes, 21. Reese Lowe, 28. Tucker Muecke, 32. Adaya Whitelock, 36. Sophia Whitelock

Jr Outdoor Skills

4. Rowdee Goolsbey, 22. Torie Howard, 28. Braxton Sullivan, 29. Mason Lowe, 30. Delia Quinterno

Int Outdoors Skills

5. Rhett Goolsbey, 8. Sean Lowe, 9. Macie Donaldson, 14. Russell Goolsbey, 19. Hayden Serr, 21. Tanner Quinterno, 31. Dylan Dicks, 35. Charlie Muecke, 40. Milly Jones, 41. Braeden Curtis, 46. Sophia Serr

Sr Outdoors Skills

4. Reese Lowe, 10. Trey Erickson, 11. Esther Feathers, 16. Charlee Brence, 22. Eva Ellis, 26. Conner Howard, 27. Phillip Ellis, 29. Cole Fauskee, 35. Ellie Feathers, 39. Tucker Muecke, 42. Shelby Fagan, 50. Sophia Whitelock, 51. Adaya Whitelock


Team Results

Jr .22 Pistol

3. Russell Goolsbey, Sean Lowe, Rhett Goolsbey, Rowdee Goolsbey, 13. Braxton Sullivan, Dillon Dicks, Charlee Muecke, Milly Jones

Sr .22 Pistol

4. Esther Feathers, Reese Lowe, Reata Moore, Dakota Erickson

6. Ellie Feathers, Phillip Ellis, Trey Erickson, Tucker Muecke

Jr .22 Rifle Light Target

5. Sean Lowe, Macie Donaldson, Gabe Leighton, Stella Leighton 

Sr .22 Rifle Light Target

1. Ellie Feathers, Reese Lowe, Esther Feathers, Dakota Erickson

4. Trey Erickson, Phillip Ellis, Tucker Muecke, Maria Estes 

Jr .22 Rifle Sporter

1. Russell Goolsbey, Hayden Serr, Rhett Goolsbey, Addie Fetter

4. Mason Lowe, Dylan Dicks, Braxton Sullivan, Milly Jones

Sr .22 Rifle Sporter

1. Shelby Fagan, Reata Moore, Charlee Brence

Jr Air Pistol

2. Russell Goolsbey, Sean Lowe, Rhett Goolsbey, Dylan Dicks 

13. Braeden Curtis, Gabe Leighton, Macie Donaldson, Hayden Serr

16. Rowdee Goolsbey, Tanner Quinterno, Sophia Serr 

Sr Air Pistol

2. Esther Feathers, Reese Lowe, Ellie Feathers, Reata Moore

7. Charlee Brence, Phillip Ellis, Dakota Erickson, Shelby Fagan

13. Eva Ellis, Trey Erickson, Adaya Whitelock

Jr Air Rifle Light Target

7. Sean Lowe, Braden Curtis,  Tanner Quinterno

Sr Air Rifle Light Target

2. Reese Lowe, Eva Ellis, Phillip Ellis, Noelle Leighton 

Jr Air Rifle Heavy Target

3. Macie Donaldson, Hayden Serr, Gabe Leighton, Dylan Dicks

Sr Air Rifle Heavy Target

1. Esther Feathers, Ellie Feathers, Dakota Erickson, Trey Erickson

Jr Air Rifle Sporter

1. Russell Goolsbey, Rhett Goolsbey, Sophia Serr, Addie Fetter 

4. Mason Lowe, Rowdee Goolsbey, Lejiend Martin, Torie Howard 

Sr Air Rifle Sporter

1. Shelby Fagan, Charlee Brence, Reata Moore, Kate Miller  

Jr Archery Class A

1. Rowdee Goolsbey, Russell Goolsbey, Rhett Goolsbey 

Sr Archery Class A 

1. Maria Estes, Trey Erickson, Tommy Catone 

Jr Archery Class C 

5. Eaen Estes, Stella Leighton, Sophia Serr, Torie Howard 

Jr Archery Class D 

5. Felicity Wenck, Francis Wenck, Milly Jones, Sean Lowe 

Sr Archery Class A

1. Trey Erickson, Maria Estes, Dakota Erickson

Sr Archery Class D

1. Owen Foley, Cole Fauskee, Reese Lowe

20. Phillip Ellis, Conner Howard, Noelle Leighton, Brenna McQuistion

Jr Muzzleloading

1. Rhett Goolsbey, Russell Goolsbey, Macie Donaldson, Mason Lowe

Sr Muzzleloading

1. Trey Erickson, Reese Lowe, Reata Moore, Sophia Whitelock

8. Adaya Whitelock, Esther Feathers, Dakota Erickson

Jr Shotgun

3. Russell Goosbey, Rhett Goolsbey, Rowdee Goolsbey, Charlie Muecke, Sean Lowe

Sr Shotgun

13. Trey Erickson, Reese Lowe, Maria Estes, Tucker Muecke, Adaya Whitelock
