Ordinance 4


​WHEREAS, all the property owners of the Shoopman No. 5 Annexation have signed a petition requesting annexation of the proposed Shoopman No. 5 Annexation in and to the City of Powell, said real property more particularly described as follows, to-wit;
A parcel of land located in Lot 62-C, Lot 62 (NESE, Original Section 14), T55N, R99W, 6th PM, Park County, Wyoming, and being a portion of the property described by the Warranty Deed recorded as Document 2019-2467, at the Park County Clerk and Recorder’s Office in Cody, Wyoming, with said parcel of land described more particularly as follows:
Commencing at the 1 1/2 inch aluminum cap found at the Northeast corner of said Lot 62-C; thence, N89°54’04”W, along the north line of said Lot 62-C, 349.94 feet, to a calculated position being the POINT OF BEGINNING of this parcel of land description, from which a 2 1/2 inch aluminum cap set at the Northwest corner of said Lot 62-C bears N89°54’04”W, along said north line, 968.72 feet.
Thence, from said Point of Beginning S00°02’59”W, along the property boundary described by said Warranty Deed, 30.15 feet, to a 2 inch aluminum cap witness corner found; thence, continue S00°02’59”W, along said boundary, 306.85 feet, to a 2 inch aluminum cap set, from which a 2 inch aluminum cap found as property corner of said Warranty Deed bears S00°02’59”W, along said boundary, 279.73 feet; thence, N89°54’04”W, 140.02 feet, to a 2 inch aluminum cap set; thence, S00°02’59”W, 16.00 feet, to a calculated position; thence, N89°54’04”W, 828.88 feet, to intersect the west line of said Lot 62-C at a calculated position, from which a 2 1/2 inch aluminum cap found at the Southwest corner of set Lot 62-C bears S00°04’45”W, along said west line, 966.25 feet; thence, N00°04’45”E, along said west line, 238.00 feet, to a calculated position at the Southwest corner of the Amended Shoopman 3A Subdivision, with plat of said subdivision recorded as Document 2022-4675 in Plat Cabinet P, Page 176 at said Clerk and Recorder’s Office; thence, S89°54’04”E, along the boundary line of said subdivision, 768.78 feet, to a 2 inch aluminum cap found; thence, N00°02’59”E, along said boundary, 115.00 feet, to intersect the north line of said Lot 62-C at a calculated position, from which a 2 1/2 inch aluminum cap set at the Northwest corner of said Lot 62-C bears N89°54’04”W, along said north line, 768.72 feet; thence, S89°54’04”E, along said north line, 200.00 feet, to said Point of Beginning of this parcel of land description, containing 5.77 acres, more or less, and subject to the Monroe Street and Jones Street rights-of-way and further subject to all easements, other rights-of-way and restrictions of record.
Basis of Bearing being Grid North according to the Wyoming State Plane Coordinate System, West Central Zone, with a bearing of N89°54’04”W, along the north line of said Lot 62-C, 1318.66 feet, between the 1 1/2 inch aluminum cap found at the Northeast corner of said Lot 62-C and the 2 1/2 inch aluminum cap set at the Northwest corner of said Lot 62-C.
​WHEREAS, the Governing Body has specifically found that the subject real property meets the following criteria, to-wit:
​1. That annexation of the area is for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the persons residing and/or to be residing in the area and in the City;
​2. That the Urban Development of the area sought to be annexed would constitute a natural, geographical, economical and social part of the annexing City;
​3. That the area sought to be annexed is a logical and feasible addition to the annexing City and the extension of basic and other services customarily available to residents of the City can reasonably be furnished to the area proposed to be annexed;
​4. That the area sought to be annexed is contiguous with or adjacent to the annexing City, and
​WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the Powell Planning and Zoning Commission on April 29, 2024, at 7:00 o’clock p.m., and by the governing body of the City of Powell on May 6, 2024, at 6:00 o’clock p.m., pursuant to notices given as required by law, regarding the designation of a zoning district for the property to be annexed and the Planning and Zoning Commission as a result of such hearing has recommended that the subject property be designated and zoned as follows: RG - General Residential District, as per Chapter 17.24 of the Powell Municipal Code.
​NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordained by the Governing Body of the City of Powell, Park County, Wyoming as follows:
SECTION 1. There is hereby annexed to the City of Powell, Park County, Wyoming, the following described real property known as the Shoopman No. 5 Annexation, which real property is located in the County of Park, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described upon Exhibit “A” attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, as shown on a plat thereof, accepted and approved by the Governing Body of the City of Powell.
​SECTION 2. Said property is hereby designated and zoned as RG - General Residential District, as per Chapter 17.24 of the Powell Municipal Code, and shall be used accordingly.
​SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon adoption and publication as required by law.
Passed on first reading this 6th day of May, 2024.
Passed on second reading this 20th day of May, 2024.
Passed on third reading this 3rd day of June, 2024.
​​​​​​​John F. Wetzel, Mayor
Tiffany Brando, City Clerk

Publ., Thurs., June 6, 2024
