Notice of Final Payment to Contractor
Notice is hereby given that Park County School District #1, Powell, WY has accepted the work as complete, according to the plans, specifications and rules set forth in the contract between Park County School District #1, Powell, WY, and:
Griffin Built Inc. (Powell., WY), PCSD#1 Maintenance 2019, Park County School District #1, 160 North Evarts, Powell, Wyoming.
The above mentioned contractor is entitled to final settlement. Therefore, after October 21, 2019; being the forty-first (41st) day after the date of Substantial Completion, Park County School District #1 will pay the above-mentioned contractor the full amount due under said contract.
First Publ., Thurs., Sept. 12, 2019
Second Publ., Tues., Sept. 17, 2019