Duped? Examples please

Submitted by Linda and Bob Graff
Posted 9/10/24

Dear editor:

In the Aug. 22 Tribune, Cynthia Garhart wrote a letter informing HD 25 voters that they were duped [because Dave Northrup lost his primary election bid]. While she has the right to …

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Duped? Examples please


Dear editor:

In the Aug. 22 Tribune, Cynthia Garhart wrote a letter informing HD 25 voters that they were duped [because Dave Northrup lost his primary election bid]. While she has the right to her own opinion we would like to see some examples of just how we were duped. We never pay attention to postcards and other political mailings and now texts on our phones. We know they are obviously biased and over-exaggerated. We agree with her in that Dave Northrup is good people, but its no reason to run down a plurality of HD 25 just because her preferred candidate lost for whatever reason.

We wish that all people running for office would stick to what they want to accomplish for their constituents and not the continuous derogatory rhetoric about their opponents. They should stop telling us what they think we want to hear so they can get into office. We want “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Is that too much to ask?

Linda and Bob Graff

