County minutes July 21, 2020


Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Chairman Tilden called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Present were Vice Chairman, Lee Livingston, Commissioners, Dossie Overfield, Jake Fulkerson, and Clerk Colleen Renner. Commissioner Lloyd Thiel was absent.
Commissioner Fulkerson led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Items:
Approve-Minutes, Payroll and Vouchers
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from July 6, 7 and 14; bi-weekly payroll in the amount of $408,065.70; vouchers; approve and allow Chairman to Sign Q3 FFY 2020 TANF/CPI Report; Assessment Roll for the Deaver Irrigation District for Funds to be Raised During 2019 for 2020; Memorandum of Understanding between Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division and Park County; approve and Board sign 2020 Merit Lease Agreement and the monthly earnings and collection statements for the Clerk, Clerk of District Court, and Sheriff. Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Clerk First Deputy, Hans Odde – RE: Public Hearing: Gunbarrel Creek Inc. Park County Retail Malt Beverage License
Chairman Tilden opened the public hearing.
Mr. Odde presented the Board with an application from Gunbarrel Creek Inc. During the June hearing they gave up their full retail license opting for a retail malt beverage license which only allows malt beverages, beer and hard seltzers, no hard liquor or wine is allowed for sale with this license.
Chairman Tilden called for public comments, there being none Commissioner Livingston made a motion to close the public hearing, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve malt beverage license, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Clerk, Colleen Renner – RE: Approval to Replace Park County Clerk Personnel
After explanation of one employee passing and another resigning, Commissioner Overfield made a motion to allow clerk to fill one position and wait 90 days on the second position, Commissioner Livingston seconded. Deputy Clerk Odde and Planner Joy Hill both made comments regarding how busy the office is and the time it takes to train. At this time Commissioner Livingston withdrew his second, Commissioner Overfield withdrew her motion too and Commissioner Livingston made a motion to allow the Clerk to advertise and fill both positions, Commissioner Overfield seconded, Commissioner Fulkerson opposed, Commissioners Livingston, Overfield and Chairman Tilden voted aye, motion carried.
Park County Planning & Zoning Director, Joy Hill – RE: Public Hearing: Continuance of the Wyoming Game & Fish Second Amendment of Flood Plain 1-18
Chairman Tilden opened the public hearing.
Ms. Hill reported that the Game & Fish have withdrawn and are reapplying under a new application. Chairman Tilden called for public comments and there being none, Commissioner Overfield made a motion to close the public hearing Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Planning & Zoning Planner II, Kim Dillivan – RE: Public Hearing: Alexander Minor Subdivision Sketch Plan Review - 39
Chairman Tilden opened the public hearing.
Mr. Dillivan reported the applicants are requesting approval of a two-lot minor subdivision, one 4-acre lot and one 1.51-acre lot. The proposed subdivision will vacate and divide Lot 1 of Kasinger SS-86. The property is located west of Ralston. Notices and agency referrals have been met and no public comments have been received. Staff recommends applicant shall provide all easements as requested, note on final plat stating results of water testing and comply with standard subdivision requirements.
Chairman Tilden called for public comments, the owner answered the Chairman’s question regarding flood irrigating. There being no further comments, commissioner Livingston made a motion to close the public hearing, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the sketch plan as submitted, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried. RESOLUTION 2020-39
Park County Planning & Zoning Planner II, Kim Dillivan – RE: Public Hearing: Sweet Land Minor Subdivision Sketch Plan - 38
Chairman Tilden opened the public hearing.
Mr. Dillivan presented the applicants request to create a four-lot minor subdivision consisting of one 1.52-acre lot, two 1.50-acre lots for residential and one 14.06-acre lot for agriculture and/or residential use. The property is located one mile south of Powell. Notices and agency referrals have been met and one public comment in opposition has been received. Applicant shall provide easements and must be identified on the final plat. The applicant also shall provide the requested information regarding water, future annexation and natural gas availability prior to final plat review.
Chairman Tilden called for public comments and questioned the Shoshone Irrigation Districts plan, Pete Dapilla of TO Engineers stated that lots 1 and 2 sprinkle irrigate already. Commissioner Overfield recognized the letter with opposition concerns regarding increase traffic on the irrigation lateral roads. With no further comments Commissioner Overfield made a motion to close the public hearing, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve the sketch plan, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded, and motion carried. RESOLUTION 2020-40
Park County Library Board Chair, John Gordnier – RE:
• Park County Library Quarterly Report – Mr. Gordnier presented an overview on several positions that were filled, one Powell and the Library Director. A brief discussion on fogging and the possible use of the equipment in the Libraries.
• Approval to Replace Park County Library Personnel – The board wrote a letter of detail requesting replacement for the Children’s Services Assistant. The Board gave their blessing.
• Ms. Gerharter presented the “fine free” possibility and the research behind the possibility of adopting this policy.
Park County Engineer Brian Edwards – RE: Approve and sign quit claim deed related to partial vacation of Viking Drive
Chairman Tilden stated Mr. Edwards did not need to be present as everyone is familiar with the vacation. Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve the deed as presented, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and the motion carried.
Joe Tilden, Chairman
Lee Livingston, Vice Chairman
Jake Fulkerson, Commissioner
Dossie Overfield, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., Aug. 11, 2020
