Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Chairman Fulkerson called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, July 16, 2019. Present were Vice Chairman, Joe Tilden, Commissioners Lee Livingston, Dossie Overfield and Lloyd Thiel, and Clerk Colleen Renner.
Cindy Cloud led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Park County Commissioners Executive Assistant, Susan Kohn – RE: Approve and Chairman Sign 3rd Quarter FFY 18-19 TANF Report and Vouchers
Ms. Kohn presented the TANF Report, Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve the third quarter payout and allow the chair to sign for Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Crisis Intervention, Northwest Family Planning and Youth Clubs of Park County in the amount of $15,800.27 Commissioner Tilden seconded, and motion carried.
Consent Items:
Approve-Minutes, Payroll and Vouchers
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from July 2, 8 and 9, bi-weekly payroll in the amount of $446,653.39, Elected Payroll in the amount of $90,119.38, vouchers, monthly earnings and collection statements for the Clerk, Clerk of District Court, and Sheriff, Assessment Roll for the Deaver Irrigation District and Approve and Sign Quit Claim Deeds Related to Andy Martin Hill Realignment on County Road 6WX. Commissioner Livingston seconded, and the motion carried.
Park County Library Board Member John Gordnier and Director Frances Clymer – RE: Park County Library Quarterly Report
Mr. Gordnier presented the highlights of the quarterly report which included the summer reading program, a kindness project challenge to read more and earn tickets for which they get to vote on a charitable organization to give to within the community. Details were presented regarding the music park located in the city park and donated by the library foundation to the City of Cody and the compensation study that is currently being conducted will be presented at the next board meeting in Meeteetse on July 25 at 4:30 p.m.
Park County Library Director Frances Clymer – RE: Approval for replacing a Meeteetse Library Position
Ms. Clymer stated the director in the Meeteetse Library will be leaving the end of July. Presently Ms. Seaton is the assistant and will be promoted to the director position, so an assistant position will need to be filled. After discussion Commissioners asked Ms. Clymer to return with input from Meeteetse and various options based on what the impact would look like if position were to be filled or not filled.
Park County Sheriff, Scott Steward – RE: Approval to replace retiring Park County Officers
Sheriff Steward presented positions that will become vacant due to retirement, moving out of state, and someone becoming employed elsewhere. After discussion on the importance of these positions with regards to public safety and the increase in overtime if not replaced, Commissioner Tilden made a motion to approve hiring as presented, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Park County 4-H & Youth Development Educator, Tycee Mohler – RE: Approve & Chairman sign FY 2020 Annual Contribution Agreement between University of Wyoming and Park County
Ms. Mohler presented the annual salary agreement with the University of Wyoming. Commissioner Thiel voiced concern regarding the 2% Cola that was given by UW, after discussion regarding the agreement that states that the County pays half of the salary and the only way out of the agreement would be to eliminate the position, Commissioner Tilden made a motion to approve and allow the chair to sign, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Prevention Manager, Wendy Morris – RE: Park County Prevention Quarterly Report
Ms. Morris presented a summary on the programs for underage drinking, adult overconsumption, tobacco prevention which includes vaping, opioids misuse/abuse and suicide prevention along with a listing of events and trainings that have been held.
Park County Chief Information Officer, Michael Conners – RE: Approve Park County Security Awareness Training and Testing Policy
Mr. Conners presented the final Computer and Network Systems policy for training county employees on network security. Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the policy, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried. The RFP for the new county website will be put out on August 1.
Park County Planning & Zoning Planner II, Kim Dillivan – RE: PUBLIC HEARING - Merit Energy Major Utility Use SUP -183
Chairman Fulkerson opened the public hearing.
Mr. Dillivan presented the staff report which states this SUP is for a 50-foot tower located in the Oregon Basin Field. This GR5 zone allows major utility use, all legal notices were met, no site plan is required, and no public comments were received.
Chairman Fulkerson called for comments from the public, there being none Commissioner Livingston made a motion to close the public hearing, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Tilden made a motion to approve with the conditions recommended by staff, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and motion carried. RESOLUTION 2019-39
Park County Planning & Zoning Planner II, Kim Dillivan – RE: PUBLIC HEARING - Three Eagles MS-30 Sketch Plan Review
Chairman Fulkerson opened the public hearing.
Mr. Dillivan presented the staff report to create a three-lot minor subdivision with the intended use for all lots being residential and owned by Jodene Pappenfort. The proposed subdivision is located east of State Hwy 295 and south of County Lane 4 in the GR-P zoning district. All notices and agency referrals were met with comments received from Park County Public Works regarding legal access from Lane 4, Weed & Pest requested a long-term noxious weed plan which has been received and approved, Garland Light & Powell can provide services, and no public comments were received.
Chairman Fulkerson called for comments from the public, there being none Commissioner Tilden made a motion to close the public hearing, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Thiel made a motion to approve with clarification on conditions #1 & 2 regarding access, Commissioner Tilden seconded, and motion carried. RESOLUTION 2019-40
Park County Planning & Zoning Planner II, Kim Dillivan – RE: PUBLIC HEARING - Game and Fish Major Community Use SUP-184
Commissioner Tilden and Chairman Fulkerson recused themselves.
Acting Chairman Commissioner Livingston opened the public hearing.
Mr. Dillivan presented the staff report and a plan-view drawing showing building location, legal description and acreage, vicinity may and square footage of proposed buildings. This property is zoned GR-5 and classified major community use, legal notices and agency referrals have been met with Public Works, Black Hills Energy, TCT, Big Horn Fire Inspector, Yellowstone Regional Airport, WYDOT and Heart Mountain Irrigation all making comments, no public comments were received.
Chairman Livingston called for public comments, there being none Commissioner Thiel made a motion to close the public hearing, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Overfield asked for clarification on square footages of the proposed buildings, Shawn Bibbey stated that the buildings will be 20,000, 7,500 and 5,000 square feet. Commissioner Thiel made a motion to approve SUP-184 not to exceed plan one total square footage, after discussion Commissioner Thiel amended his motion by adding not to exceed 32,500 square footage, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and motion carried. Resolution 2019-41
Park County Insurance Group Chairman, Steve Penwell – RE: Approve & Sign “Health Is InBody” 6-month Contract
Mr. Penwell stated the contract was sent to Attorney Skoric and he has requested additional time to review. After discussion with regards to participation and what results we could possibly see in our insured population, Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve pending County Attorney approval, Commissioner Tilden seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Commissioners – RE:
• Approve RFP – GIS Consultant Review
• Ms. Hill reported that TO Engineers submitted a proposal to review data users and dollars spent on GIS licenses in the amount of $9,800.00. Commissioner Thiel questioned whether someone from UW would be able to help at a lesser cost, Ms. Hill will reach out and the board will act at the next meeting.
• Discussion of Penalties – Resolution 2017-09 –
• Ms. Hill believes the Zickefoose’s are continuing to operate a highway commercial business after the courts sided with the county and the applicant dropped their appeal of that court decision. After further discussion Commissioner Tilden made a motion to assess fines from March 21, 2017 at $750.00 per day, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried. Ms. Kohn will help in the process of drafting a letter.
Park County Engineer, Brian Edwards – RE:
• Approve & Chairman Sign Park County Road 8VC (Clark’s Fork Canyon Road) – ROW Renewal with BLM
Mr. Edwards presented to the board a renewal for a right-of-way grant Serial Number WYW-111996 which renews every thirty years. Commissioner Thiel made a motion to approve the renewal of Road 8VC and allow the chair to sign, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and motion carried.
• Review Request to Alter Public Road (Alley) Right-of-Way within the Barrows Subdivision located in Ralston, WY
Mr. Edwards reported all requirements have been met according to Statutes to vacate/alter the alley. Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the alteration of a public roadway (alley) located between Lots 19 and 20 of the Barrows Subdivision within Section 26 of Township 55 North, Range 100 West, 6th Principal Meridian. Said alteration effectively moves the alley to the east between Lots 21 and 22. Applicant shall prepare and file an amended plat with the county depicting the stated alteration to the public roadway (alley). Commissioner Tilden seconded, and motion carried.
• Approval of No Bid Due to Emergency Purchase of New Oil Distributor Truck
Mr. Edwards is requesting authorization to purchase a new oil distributor truck and allow two to three employees travel to Rapid City to pick it up. Commissioner Thiel made a motion to approve the emergency purchase, Commissioner Livingston seconded, not to exceed $180,000, and motion carried. Commissioner Tilden made a motion to approve the out of state travel for two employees, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
• WYDOT Transportation of Alternative Programs
Mr. Edwards presented the resolution authorizing the submission of an application for federal funding through the WYDOT Transportation of Alternative Programs which is a reimbursable grant for planning a walking and bike path in the vicinity of the City of Powell. Commissioner Thiel made a motion to approve the resolution and, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried. RESOLUTION 2019-42
Cody Beers, WYDOT Public Relations Specialist – RE: Annual Status Transportation Meeting
Pete Hallsten, District Engineer presented an overview on funding, State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), local projects which include concrete grind/seal on US 14/16/20 (FY2019), Meeteetse-Cody/South for isolated reconstruction/level/overlay/chip seal (FY2020), Cody-Ralston mill, overlay and waring course (FY2022) and partnership opportunities which include funding opportunities, construction partnership and supply purchases.
Nathan Smolinski, WyoLink Support Manager gave an update on the process of the sixteen new towers being placed throughout the state. Discussion of funds is being proposed in upcoming legislation for the February budget year.
Commissioners Overfield and Livingston had questions regarding Lane 20 and Lane 19 with the sight and access issue onto Highway 14A and the speed limit study on the Meeteetse Highway.
Park County Planner II, Kim Dillivan – RE: Dry Creek Minor Subdivision Final Plat – MS-29
Chairman Fulkerson and Commissioner Tilden recused themselves.
Mr. Dillivan presented the staff report for approval of the final plat review to create a three-lot minor subdivision located southwest of Hwy 120 and just northwest of Cody city limits. The parcel is in a GR-5 zone and is within one mile of a municipality, and no comments from the city were received. Covenants are in place and were received July 20, 2019. All conditions have been met. Park County Engineer commented the road being constructed is satisfactory and the road still needs to be named. Joe Tilden named the road at this time, Tilden Road. Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the final plat noting staff findings, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Planner II, Kim Dillivan – RE: Pescadero Minor Subdivision Final Plat – MS-30
Mr. Dillivan presented the staff report for approval of the final plat review to create a four-lot minor subdivision located approximately 2.8 miles east of Powell south of County Lane 8 and west of County Road 5. The parcel is in a GR-P zone. No comments were received, and the Plat Review Committee recommending some minor changes. Public Works recommended sharing access for the four proposed driveways.
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve the final plat, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
County attorney approve and replace
Mr. Skoric is requesting to combine two part time positions into one as requested during the budget session which was overlooked. After discussion Commissioner Thiel made a motion to allow Mr. Skoric to combine the two part-time positions and hire one full-time position, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
√ Park County Museum Board – Replacing Geri Hockholter – Powell Area
Ms. Rebecca Burns was interviewed for this position.
√ Park County Parks & Recreation Board – Replacing Duane Farley Currently Powell but no requirement
Mr. Andy Metzler was interviewed for this position.
Commissioner Tilden moved to appoint Rebecca Burns to the Park County Museum Board, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Tilden made a motion to appoint Andy Metzler to the Park County Parks and Recreation Board, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Executive Session.
Chairman Fulkerson convened an executive session pursuant to W.S. § 16-4-405 (a) (ix).
Commissioner Overfield moved to exit from executive session, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and the motion carried. No decisions were made in or as a result of the executive session.
Commissioner Tilden made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Livingston seconded and the motion carried.
Jake Fulkerson, Chairman
Joe Tilden, Vice Chairman
Lee Livingston, Commissioner
Dossie Overfield, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., Aug. 27, 2019