County minutes April 7, 2020


Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Chairman Tilden called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Present were Vice Chairman, Lee Livingston, Commissioners, Dossie Overfield, Jake Fulkerson, Lloyd Thiel, and Clerk Colleen Renner.
Jack Tatum led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Items:
Approve-Minutes and Payroll
Chairman Tilden asked for the reaffirming of the closure of Park County Facilities until April 7 be removed from the consent agenda.
Commissioner Fulkerson made a motion to approve the following amended consent agenda, items: minutes from March 16, 17, 18 and 19, two bi-weekly payrolls in the amount of $393,285.10 and $587,043.13 which included insurance and a monthly elected payroll in the amount of $90,653.06; approve 2020 Park County Elections Districts for the upcoming Elections; and vote on appointing Russ Wenke as the Public Information Officer at a Grade 17 Step 2 which was considered at the March 18, 2020 meeting.
Discussion with Jack Tatum, Homeland Security Director on who is ultimately responsible for the approval of the Park County Delegation of Authority COVID-19 Response. Mr. Tatum reported that funds will be funneled through the Public Health Emergency Preparedness grant, at the present time $25,000 has been received. Mr. Tatum also stated the total receipts must exceed $3,300 before they can be submitted for reimbursement, Treasurer Poley is managing this documentation. Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Commissioners – RE: Vouchers
Commissioner Fulkerson questioned the voucher to LGLP for a deductible which was paid because of a snowplow accident where no citations were issued. With clarification on the incident, Commissioner Fulkerson made a motion to approve the vouchers, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Commissioners – RE: Revisit Closure of all Park County Facilities – Approve & Sign Resolution
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the resolution as presented with the date of May 4 which continues the closure of all Park County facilities, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded. Discussions regarding the length of the closure, recommendations from Dr. Billin and the state order from Governor Gordon. Commissioner Thiel stated that he is comfortable with the resolution if it could be amended at a special meeting if necessary. Chairman Tilden called for the question and the motion carried.
Park County Buildings & Grounds/Event Superintendent, Mike Garza – RE:
1) Discussion on Screen Guards for Park County Offices – Treasurer and Clerk/Elections have asked about the possibility of installing sneeze guards at the front counters to help protect the front-line employees when the facilities are re-opened to the public. Mr. Garza and staff are checking into the costs and Mr. Garza also stated he would like to purchase a disinfecting fogger and/or backpack device. The board felt these were administrative decisions but felt that both projects were worthy.
2) Open bids for Park County Lawn and Landscaping Services – Two bids were received in the Clerk’s office on March 20.
Rainmakers Irrigation bid $68,180 with optional items priced separately for irrigation repair, aeration, power raking to name a few.
Ike’s Lawncare bid $74,822 which had no optional items as they are included in the bid.
Discussion proceeded with how much we pay the staff to maintain the grounds, Mr. Garza stated that we now pay roughly $62,000 with benefits for one full time employee and a seasonal staffer. The fulltime employee fills the void when someone is on vacation or calls in sick, helps with snowplowing during the winter months, and does other maintenance as needed. Comparing the bids, it was decided right now we are doing the right thing with saving tax dollars. Commissioner Thiel recommends we keep good records over this season and discuss again in February. Mr. Garza will inform the employee they still have a job and contact both bidders with the board’s decision not to contract out lawn care.
Park County Treasurer, Barb Poley – RE: Discussion on Disbursement of Specific Tax Overage
Ms. Poley reported that she is ready to disburse funds that came in after the tax was canceled and will be divided as follows; City of Cody - $378,248.21; City of Powell - $322,288.20; Park County - $184,460.77 and Town of Meeteetse - $151,299.29. Ms. Poley stated the dollar amounts may vary a little as she received more funds after presenting these numbers. Mr. Edwards will report on how the county’s funds will be spent on projects as approved in the 2016 Election.
Park County Engineer, Brian Edwards – RE: Consider Expansion of Shared Maintenance Agreement with Park County and the USFS to Add Limited Road Grading to Certain Forest Access Roads
Mr. Edwards stated the county entered a shared maintenance many years ago with the Forest Service to grade 1-2 times per year roads to Kirwin, Hunter Creek and Sunlight. Park County currently maintains 25.5 miles of road for the Forest Service. The Forest Service is asking if the county would take on an additional 28.3 miles. After discussion the board supports the agreement we have in place at this time and would like for Chairman Tilden to notify the Forest Service we are not interested in maintaining more roads.
The Commissioners heard testimony from the Special Funding Entities who receive funding from Park County.
Powell Senior Citizens Ago-go, Program Director, Cathy Florian
Forward Cody, CEO, James Klessens
Cody Shooting Complex, President, Otis Smith
Yellowstone Behavioral Health Center, Clinical Director, Shaun Balch
Meeteetse Visitor Center, Director, Kristen Yoder
Yellowstone National Park Superintendent, Cam Sholly – RE: Closure of Yellowstone National Park
Mr. Sholly reported on the closure of the park after spending time discussing with Governors in the states surrounding the park. With most of the park not opening until May 1 they will continue to clear the roads, work with the surrounding communities and health officers to make decisions on when it will be safe to open.
Visitor access is one thing but what services will be provided is the conversations the park officials are having which might mean modifications from what takes place in a normal year. Open lines of communication with the surrounding states is essential during these times.
Mr. Sholly looks forward to working with the local leaders as they try to get through this crisis. At the present time there is no biking or hiking and only official business is allowed. Chairman Tilden questioned who has the authority to say the park is open, Mr. Sholly stated that would be the Secretary of Interior, Mr. Sholly also believes it will depend on what is happening in our area. The Commissioners thanked him for his time.
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Theil seconded, and the motion carried.
Joe Tilden, Chairman
Lee Livingston, Vice Chairman
Jake Fulkerson, Commissioner
Dossie Overfield, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk

Publ., Tues., April 28, 2020
