County minutes April 16, 2024


Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
​Chairwoman Dossie Overfield called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Present were Vice Chairman, Scott Steward, Commissioners Lee Livingston, Scott Mangold, Lloyd Thiel and Clerk Colleen Renner.
​Commissioner Mangold led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.
Consent Items:
Approve-Minutes, Payroll and Vouchers
​Commissioner Mangold made a motion to approve the following consent agenda items as presented: April 2, 2024 minutes; Payroll for Elected of $102,401.09 and $483,730.91 for employees; vouchers; approve and allow Chair to Sign FFY2024 Q2 TANF/CPI Report & Vouchers; FFY2025 TANF/CPI Application; Release of Mortgage-Haines; Scale Letter for Park County Events; Lease Renewal for DFS in Powell; 4-Day Rental at Park County Fairgrounds Home & Garden Show; and Monthly Earnings & Collections Statements for Clerk, Clerk of District Court and Sheriff. Commissioner Livingston seconded and the motion carried.
Jenny Cramer, Planning & Zoning – RE: Public Hearing: Booher MS-80 Sketch Plan
Chairwoman Overfield opened the public hearing.
Ms. Cramer presented for consideration the sketch plan and application for Rudi and Carla Booher for a three-lot subdivision consisting of one 12.20-acre lot, one 12.26-acre lot and one 12.43-acre lot for residential use. The property is two miles east of Powell in GR-P zoning and agency referrals and notices have been met. One public comment was received and opposed the application if covenants are not proposed. Staff recommends approval with eleven conditions read into the record.
Chairwoman Overfield called for public comments.
Cody Schatz, Engineering Associates has reached out to the two entities who have not yet responded.
There being no further comments Commissioner Livingston moved to close the public hearing, Commission Steward seconded, motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston moved to approve with conditions presented by staff, Commissioner Mangold seconded, motion carried. RESOLUTION 2024-20
Jenny Cramer, Planning & Zoning – RE: Public Hearing: Mountain View Mouldings SUP-259
Chairwoman Overfield opened the public hearing.
Ms. Cramer presented the application for a proposed 30 x 40 storage structure. The construction activities will occur in an existing shop building with the need for a storage structure for materials and supplies to transform timbers into D-Logs for cabin construction. The employees live on the property with work hours being M-S, 7 am-3:30 pm and hours of operation M-F 7 am-5 pm. The property is five miles southeast of Powell in GR-P zoning and agency referrals and notices have been met. No public comments have been received. Staff recommends approval with four conditions read into the record.
Chairwoman Overfield called for public comments. There being none, Commissioner Mangold moved to close the public hearing, Commissioner Livingston seconded, motion carried.
Commissioner Mangold moved to approve with staff recommendations, Commissioner Thiel seconded motion carried. RESOLUTION 2024-21
Jenny Cramer, Planning & Zoning – RE: Public Hearing: Heart Mountain School SUP-260
Chairwoman Overfield opened the public hearing.
Ms. Cramer presented the application for a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a private school in a 2,220 sq. ft. building for 20-22 students as the community grows. The use will occur on an area of the property that is less than one acre. The property is five miles southeast of Powell in GR-P zoning and agency referrals and notices have been met. No public comments have been received. Staff recommends approval with two conditions read into the record.
Chairwoman Overfield called for public comments. Discussions on private school vs. charter, Fire Marshall approval and clarification on building size were discussed. Alan Graber, Board President commented on the Fire Marshall not needed due to amount of people but recommends safety measures be followed.
Commissioner Livingston moved to close the public hearing, Commissioner Thiel seconded, motion carried.
Commissioner Thiel moved to approve with conditions as presented, Commissioner Mangold seconded, motion carried. RESOLUTION 2024-22
Jenny Cramer, Planning & Zoning – RE: Public Hearing: Eichele Variance
Chairwoman Overfield opened the public hearing.
Ms. Cramer presented the application for a variance request from requiring that conventional subdivisions in a GR-20 district average 20 acres per housing unit. Mr. Eichele, III would like to divide a 26.28-acre parcel into one 5.8-acres and one 20.48-acres. The property is 9.5 miles southwest of Cody. Notices and agency referrals have been met with one public comment in support and one opposed. Staff recommends denial.
Chairwoman Overfield called for public comments. Alissa Stewart questioned when 20-acre minimum came into effect, which Ms. Hill replied in 2000. Jim Bruno and Karen Herberger spoke in support. Mr. Eichele spoke on his own behalf regarding the variance.
Commissioner Thiel moved to close the public hearing, Commissioner Livingston seconded, motion carried. ​
After discussions regarding housing, zoning goals and objectives in the area Commissioner Mangold moved to approve with conditions recommended by staff, Commissioner Livingston seconded, at this time Ms. Cramer read the conditions into the record, Commissioner Thiel questioned “simple” in condition one and requested it’s removal, Commissioner Mangold accepted the amendment, Commissioner Livingston seconded. Commissioner Thiel and Commissioner Steward opposed, Chairwoman Overfield also opposed, motion denied.
Trever Kattenhorn, Buildings and Grounds Superintendent – RE: Bid Opening for Pickup and Utility Vehicle
Clerk Renner received four bids.
Mr. Kattenhorn opened the following bids:
• RSC powersports – Polaris Ranger – $29,529.82
• Fremont Motors – 2024 Ford F150 super cab – $51,570
• Denny Menholt – 3 choices
• 2024 Chevy Silverado – $41,130
• 2024 Chevy Silverado crew cab – $43,795
• 2024 Chevy Silverado crew cab with V8 – $47,495
• Yellowstone Motors – 2 choices
• 2024 Chevy Silverado 1500 crew cab – $47,534.
• 2024 Chevy Silverado 1500 crew cab – $43,774
Mr. Kattenhorn will return this afternoon with his recommendation.
Commissioners – RE: Board Liaison Updates
Chairwoman Overfield reported on the Fair Board, Forward Cody with James Klessens retiring, Museum Board and Library Board.
Commissioner Mangold reported on Events and Fair Board participation with each other which is a welcoming change. Park County Parks and Rec and stated the next meeting will be held in Meeteetse at the new Rec Center.
Commissioner Livingston reported on Drug Court and the new coordinator.
Commissioner Thiel reported on Weed & Pest, Predatory Board, Meeteetse Local Planning & the Visitors Center. An Urban Systems meeting is scheduled for next week. Also commented on Forest Service and BLM regarding the great working relationship Park County has with them.
Commissioner Steward reported on YRA board, SkyWest returning, Beacon Hill Emergency Drill, Alaska air possibilities. CYAIR is fundraising, nothing new with Park County Preservation or Public Health officer. Basin Authority meets tomorrow in Thermopolis and still waiting on a key for the Shooting Complex.
Commissioners – RE: Bid Opening for Park County Auditor
Clerk Renner stated one bid was received from Carver, Florek & James, CPA’s with guaranteed maximum prices quoted. Discussions of other entities biding with respect to government entities. Clerk Renner was going to check on past costs before a decision is made.
Brian Edwards, Engineer, Public Works Department – RE: Consider Addendum to Architectural Services Agreement with GSG Architects for Powell Library Project
Mr. Edwards stated this Library project has received $8.4 million for funding from Wyoming State Library Systems with the Board approving $3.2 million of ARPA funding. Tough deadlines with construction being underway by October 1 this amends the contract for professional services with GSG. Once approved by County Attorney the Chair will need to sign.
Advertisements were made and Clerk Renner received three CMAR bids from Groathouse, Diamond Point and Sletten Construction. A committee of eight met and used a scoring system. After references were contacted the group recommended Groathouse.
Commissioner Thiel moved to accept recommendation of Groathouse with chair to sign, Commissioner Livingston seconded, motion carried.
Brian Edwards, Engineer, Public Works Department – RE: Consider Addendum to CMAR Agreement with Groathouse Construction for Courthouse HVAC to Consider Public Works Building – tabled for today.
Trever Kattenhorn, Buildings and Grounds Superintendent – RE: Bid Recommendation
Mr. Kattenhorn recommends the 2024 Chevy crew cab from Denny Menholt for $43,795. Commissioner Steward made a motion to accept, Commissioner Thiel seconded, motion carried. Mr. Miller from Denny Menholt stated the vehicle is going into production and should be ready in 90 days or less.
Mr. Kattenhorn recommend the Polaris 1000 Ranger XP. After discussion about this being the only bid Commissioner Steward will work with Mr. Kattenhorn to see what other outlets might be available. No action at this time.
Brian Edwards, Engineer, Public Works Department – RE: Authorization to Submit Application for Phase 3 FLAP Funding for CR 6WX (Southfork)
Mr. Edwards gave a brief history of FLAP Phase I & II which is currently in design and will begin in 2026. There are two more phases to complete the 16.8 miles. The Phase III FLAP funding will not require a match, but Mr. Edwards recommends 10% and not to exceed $1.5 million which would be expended in 2027 or 2028. This would not be effective until an agreement is signed.
Commissioner Thiel moved to authorize and allow the chair to sign the application for FLAP III with a 10% match not to exceed 1.5 million, Commissioner Livingston seconded, motion carried.
Barb Poley, Treasurer – RE: Tax Refund Program
Ms. Poley reported that twelve hundred applications were processed last year. The advertising line in the budget is going to be over as the use of radio ads and newspapers is costly. The Board gave ideas on reaching out to the public and the 30–50-year-olds. Commissioner Livingston stated a budget amendment might be needed.
Commissioners – RE: Bid Opening for Park County Auditor – Continued
​Ms. Poley stated the Auditors do a good job on the single audit for Park County and to her knowledge there is no one firm locally that does Government Audits.
​Commissioner Livingston moved to accept the bid from Carver Florek & James, LLC for the next three years for amounts provided, Commissioner Mangold seconded, motion carried.
​Commissioner Mangold moved to adjourn, Commissioner Steward seconded, and the motion carried.
Dossie Overfield, Chairwoman​​​Scott Steward, Vice Chairman
Lee Livingston, Commissioner​​​Scott Mangold, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Attest: Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., May 14, 2024
