Take your voting responsibility seriously

Submitted by Robin Berry
Posted 7/25/24

Dear editor:

Discernment. Discernment is a learned skill. We should learn this from our parents. Parents should sit down with children and discuss the concepts of decision making. If you are …

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Take your voting responsibility seriously


Dear editor:

Discernment. Discernment is a learned skill. We should learn this from our parents. Parents should sit down with children and discuss the concepts of decision making. If you are uncertain about it as an adult, you can still learn.

Good decisions bring good results, a feeling of accomplishment and peace.

Bad decisions bring troubles and feelings of fear, disappointment, anger and unrest.

Morals are taught and learned; both good or bad. If we, as parents, friends and neighbors, do not hold one another accountable, we soon discover the “consequences” of that inaction. We are all born with a blank slate; the world around us will fill it with the evils of self indulgence, greed and selfishness unless we are ‘taught’ to be loving, sharing and kind. The void where good morals should be, will be filled with bad because the ‘world’ will see to it.

The misconception that the young are ‘innocent’ comes from ignorance. Children know instinctively the words ‘no’ and ‘mine.’ They must be taught to share and be kind. While learning often requires experience, let us help our children to learn early the consequences of bad decisions and the rewards of good ones. To allow the suffering from the bad decisions is a part of good parenting. The feeling of accomplishment from the efforts of good decisions and self sacrifice for a good cause are lifelong lessons that parents should be teaching from a very early age. If your parents did not teach you these things, it is not too late. There is a great book that outlines the cause and effect of decisions — the Bible. All topics are covered in it, parenting, government, work ethic, loyalty, kindness, the value of life, etc. It also teaches about how to restore one’s path to the way. When you have suffered from poor discernment and bad decisions, there is a way to get back to where you are supposed to be.

We are approaching the election season once again, and discernment is paramount this year. From the discord around the world, the decisions we make in our country will be felt in all countries. Take your responsibility very seriously. Seek the truth. Do your own research. Ask questions, read, discover what lies beneath the surface. Vote responsibly. If you do not know, then find out. We live in a world of connection and access; use it.

Godspeed to you.

Robin Berry



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