Shoshone Irrigation Final Payment


Notice of Final Payment
Pursuant to Wyoming Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Shoshone Irrigation District has accepted the materials delivered for the Lateral 23B 2-4, Lateral 2W 8-10, and Drop 26 Procurement Project as substantially completed according to the specifications and rules set forth in the Contract and that Piper Investment, LLC. dba Triple L Sales is entitled to final settlement therefore. Upon the 41st day (March 4, 2019) after the first publication of this notice, the Shoshone Irrigation District, under whose direction or supervision the material has been procured, will pay to Piper Investment, LLC. dba Triple L Sales the full amount due under the Contract. This section does not relieve Piper Investment, LLC. Dba Triple L Sales and the sureties on its bond from any claims of work or labor done or materials or supplies furnished in the execution of the Contract.
Trent Reed
First Publ., Tues., Jan. 22, 2019
Final Publ., Tues., Feb. 5, 2019


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