Seek out real facts of candidates running for office

Submitted by Sue Lyke
Posted 7/25/24

Dear editor:

Following a 2024 Wyoming legislative session that was marred by misinformation, I urge voters to seek out the real facts about the candidates in the various races. I would like to …

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Seek out real facts of candidates running for office


Dear editor:

Following a 2024 Wyoming legislative session that was marred by misinformation, I urge voters to seek out the real facts about the candidates in the various races. I would like to share why I’m voting to re-elect Rep. Rachel Rodriguez-Williams (R-Cody) and Sen. Tim French (R-Powell). While many Wyoming legislators were complaining about their exposed voting records and trying to stop roll call votes, Williams and French were steadfast in their decisions. They aren’t afraid to do this because they work for the people, not for themselves. These two legislators have not wavered in their stance for life and liberty, smaller government and fiscal responsibility.

In the 2024 session, Williams and French voted for the much slimmer budget which would have left more money in the pockets of the people. They fought against woke spending and voted to decrease property taxes. They voted to protect children from life-altering gender transition surgeries. They continued to support school choice and stood in defense of Second Amendment rights.

In previous sessions, Williams and French have voted to protect the unborn, to protect young women in sports, to rein in government overreach and to defend private property. French and Williams have solid, proven records of working for the people who elected them. When things don’t appear to “get done” from the public’s viewpoint, more investigation is needed.

How did other legislators vote? What bills were killed in the committees? What amendments were added to the bills and did that completely change the original intent? What did the governor veto? To review the facts about the most recent session and prior ones, and to see how your legislators voted, visit I have followed what French and Williams have done, and they have earned my continued support.

Sue Lyke



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