Reelect Rep. Rodriguez-Williams

Submitted by Robin Berry
Posted 7/30/24

Dear editor: 

It is election season.

Recently, I received mail about a House representative that I know to be false. It is a sad thing that out of state lobby groups, who have no idea …

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Reelect Rep. Rodriguez-Williams


Dear editor: 

It is election season.

Recently, I received mail about a House representative that I know to be false. It is a sad thing that out of state lobby groups, who have no idea what happens in our great State of Wyoming, are spreading propaganda.

I am tasking each of our Wyoming citizens to be a responsible voter. Vet the candidates; call them, research them, seek out venues where you can hear them speak and so that you can ask questions. Please contact your elected; go to at the bottom of the page for phone numbers, emails and addresses.

Incumbents have voting records, look them up. More importantly, read the bills. In today’s climate and world of “misinformation” many of the bills in our legislation are mis-titled. Their text tells a different story. For example, HB 186, a bill in the last session, seemed to be for a “suicide” hotline, but it was in fact a way to pull $40 million from taxpayers for an untried, untested system in Wyoming. In this hyper-inflated economy, why would anyone vote for it — they should not. Visit and read the bills for yourself. Look at the records. If in doubt, ask the elected.

Note that most of our ‘bills’ are written by the LSO (Legislative Service Office) and seem to be written in lawyerese and are often difficult to interpret. Demand of our legislators to have the bills written in plain English; one bill — one topic.

House Rep. Rodriguez-Williams (R-Cody) has experience in law enforcement, health care issues, management experience with nonprofits and has served Park County for the last two sessions. Her knowledge and experience have made her uniquely qualified to interpret the bill jargon and its effectiveness or not for our citizens. She has well served our county and our state as a result. Please re-elect Rachel Rodriguez-Williams as our House representative for district 50.

Robin Berry



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