Real patriots work for justice, tranquility

Submitted by Dennis Reuter
Posted 3/26/24

Dear editor:

Republicans who follow Trump claim that the Jan. 6 “patriots” are hostages and are treated unfairly. Many protesters claim a First Amendment right to do what they did. …

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Real patriots work for justice, tranquility


Dear editor:

Republicans who follow Trump claim that the Jan. 6 “patriots” are hostages and are treated unfairly. Many protesters claim a First Amendment right to do what they did. What did they do? Without solid evidence that Trump actually won, they struck fellow citizens, beat police officers, ravaged U.S. Capitol property and hunted elected representatives. Those actions do not align with “… the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Our Constitution creates a government that, to succeed, requires lawful order and peace among its residents. To secure the blessings of liberty, its preamble declares we will be forming a more perfect union, establishing justice and insuring domestic tranquility. Real patriots embody and stand for these qualities.

Yet, hundreds upon hundreds of people viciously delayed the peaceful transfer of power based upon a wish that Trump had won. But even to this day, all boots-on-the-ground reports, audits, recounts and court actions reveal that no fraud affected Biden’s victory. Only normal election flaws occurred. Republicans persistently attack and undermine the well-earned faith we have in our biannual elections, supervised for decades by fellow Americans.

Trump has promised many times to show the evidence of his win, but never has. Fox News and Rudy Giuliani have paid greatly for their lies, proven to be lies in court. And of the militants charged with crimes, hundreds went to trial wherein thousands of vetted jurors, under oaths to treat the accused fairly, found them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

So where is the patriotism? Patriots support the Constitution, domestic tranquility and justice. Who are the hostages?

Those prosecuted under the rule of law are offenders, not victims. Who got the unfair treatment, capitol police or their attackers? You know who.

More to the point, why do our Republican lawmakers support citizen violence? Why promise pardons for un-American activity? Why not support the jurors who rendered good-faith verdicts condemning the violence? Jan. 6 reflects death and destruction, not patriotism. Stop the lie.

Dennis Reuter



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