Proposals request


Proposals request

NOTICE IS HEAREBY GIVEN that the City of Powell (hereinafter referred to as “City”) is requesting proposals for a Classification and Compensation Study.
The City of Powell will receive such proposals in the office of and addressed to: Tiffany Brando
City Clerk
Submitted via Email: (307) 754-6903
The Request for Proposal (RFP) contains the instructions governing the proposals to be submitted and the material to be included; mandatory requirements which must be met to be eligible for consideration; and other requirements to be met by each proposal.
Proposals shall be submitted via email in .pdf format that allows for printing in hard copy in 8½x11 booklet format.
Respondents are requested to submit their proposal via email. COPIES OF THE PROPOSAL WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO THE HOUR OF 4:00PM Mountain Time, AUGUST 16, 2024.
The proposal must contain the signature of a duly authorized officer or agent of the Respondent’s company empowered with the right to bind the Respondent.
Copies of the Classification and Compensation Study Request for Proposals (RFP) Document are available from the City website or by contacting the City Clerk at
The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. The City reserves the right to disqualify incomplete proposals, waive minor defects, as it deems applicable in the written proposals, request additional information from any respondent, change or modify the scope of the project at any time without penalty, negotiate terms with one or more of the respondents, reject any or all proposals without penalty and take any steps necessary to act in the City’s best interest. Proposals will not be considered for award if received after the official closing date and time.
Consultants can propose an alternate timeline based on feasibility of completion.
First Publ., Thurs., July 18, 2024
Final Publ., Thurs., July 25, 2024


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