Mailer attacking Rep. Northrup is sickening

Submitted by Thom Miller
Posted 7/30/24

Dear editor: 

Last Tuesday, I received a political flyer in the mail from a Virginia based organization, Make Liberty Win. This hateful flyer attacked a Wyoming candidate for the House of …

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Mailer attacking Rep. Northrup is sickening


Dear editor: 

Last Tuesday, I received a political flyer in the mail from a Virginia based organization, Make Liberty Win. This hateful flyer attacked a Wyoming candidate for the House of Representatives, David Northrup. If this is what Wyoming politics has sunk to, I am sickened by it.

As Americans, we all have the right to support our candidate of choice. This should involve sharing their platforms and experience, not sinking to an ugly personal attack. Ads like this are toxic. They prey on a hate that is corrosive, and their poison seeps into a culture. The people who promote this fear and distrust reflect nothing more than weak minds and a lack of courage.

Shame on this group for spreading such hate, and shame on the people who endorsed it. I will vote this fall to restore sanity and decency to public office. I will vote to defeat this type of opposition politics that does nothing more than promote polarization and animosity. This is not the Wyoming way.

Thom Miller



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