Letter’s criticisms of Trump were off-base

Submitted by Bob and Linda Graff
Posted 8/6/24

Dear editor:

A letter to the editor in the Aug. 1 Powell Tribune entitled, “Trump wants to do away with democracy,” is a shining example of underinformed people parroting the tainted …

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Letter’s criticisms of Trump were off-base


Dear editor:

A letter to the editor in the Aug. 1 Powell Tribune entitled, “Trump wants to do away with democracy,” is a shining example of underinformed people parroting the tainted mainstream media pundits.

Trump’s statement to a group of statistically low propensity voters and reiterated by Trump himself, the one thing missing is context. His point was to get out ALL legal votes in order to overwhelm unverified voters, unverified mail-in ballots, and other aberrant activities observed in the last election and fix voting laws to ensure true elections.

This stated article is nothing but a piece out of the Democrat playbook to declare Trump, in their words, the “existential threat to democracy.” We have not seen much, if anything, in the way of “democracy” exhibited by the present administration.

Bob and Linda Graff



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