County minutes March 17, 2020


Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Chairman Tilden called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Present were Vice Chairman, Lee Livingston, Commissioners, Dossie Overfield, Jake Fulkerson, Lloyd Thiel, and Clerk Colleen Renner.
Commissioner Fulkerson led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Items:
Approve-Minutes, Payroll and Vouchers
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from March 3 and 10, bi-weekly payroll in the amount of $410,241.41, vouchers and the monthly earnings and collection statements for the Clerk, Clerk of District Court, and Sheriff. Commissioner Fulkerson seconded and the motion carried.
Park County Sheriff, Scott Steward – RE:
• Approve and Sign Forest Service Agreement – Sheriff Steward stated the agreement remains the same as past years allowing the department to patrol areas around the forest service and this helps offset those costs. Commissioner Fulkerson made a motion to accept the agreement and allow the chair to sign, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
• Approve Replacement of a Park County Sheriff Deputy – An employee will be retiring May 15 and Sheriff Steward requests approval to fill the position which will likely move an employee from detention and that position will be the position needing filled. Commissioner Fulkerson made a motion to approve the replacement of the position vacated, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Commissioners – RE: Approve and Sign Park County 2020 Fee Schedule
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the fee resolution with the changes suggested, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried. RESOLUTION 2020-12
Park County Conservation District Board Members, Russel Dwyer, Chairman, Bobbie Holder, Vice-Chairman, and Vince Vanata, Secretary/ Treasurer – RE: Cody Conservation District Presentation on Mill Levy
The Conservation Board is here today to request permission for the District to place a mill levy question on the Primary ballot to be voted on in August. If approved the projected revenues would generate roughly $384,000 per year. The startup costs, office space, an employee with benefits and other items would take up most of the revenue collected. A lengthy discussion took place regarding the usage of these dollars and how the committee will need to work on selling this to the voters.
Commissioner Thiel made a motion to allow the district to place their question on the primary ballot not to exceed 1 mill levy, Commissioner Livingston seconded, after further discussion about whether the question should be placed on the primary or general election ballot the motion carried.
Park County Planning & Zoning Planner II, Joy Hill – RE: Public Hearing: South Fork Shoshone, LLC Bank Stabilization Project Flood Plan Development Permit – #2-20
Ms. Hill presented the permit which proposes the excavation of approximately 200 cubic yards of earthen material while installing a toe-wood seal, the intent of which is to minimize the potential for enlargement of an existing cutoff river channel.
Prior to the work beginning a written approval from Army Corp of Engineers is needed, the permit is valid for one year and when project is complete the applicant shall provide photographs showing pre-, during and post- construction. Mr. Edwards has no concerns with the permit.
Chairman Tilden called for public comments, Chuck Zundel, Director Collier Group has no issues with applicant protecting their land, but also needs assurance that flows to the ranch’s head gate are not adversely affected. There being no further public comments, Commissioner Livingston made a motion to close the public hearing, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve the Flood Plain permit with staff recommendations and changes, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried. RESOLUTION 2020-11
~ Convene in EOC Meeting Room ~
Park County Commissioners – RE: Official Discussion on Coronavirus in Park County
An informational meeting was held with all Elected Officials & Departments Heads, Dr. Billin, Public Health Officer and Bill Crampton, Public Health Director will begin the process of planning how to proceed with operations within the courthouse. All departments will meet with the Board tomorrow beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Executive Session.
Commissioner Thiel made a motion to enter executive session pursuant to W.S. § 16-4-405 (a) (ii) (ix), Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Fulkerson moved to exit from executive session, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and the motion carried. No decisions were made in or as a result of the executive session.
Commissioner Fulkerson made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and the motion carried.
Joe Tilden, Chairman
Lee Livingston, Vice Chairman
Jake Fulkerson, Commissioner
Dossie Overfield, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., April 14, 2020


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