Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Chairman Fulkerson called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, February 5, 2019. Present were Vice Chairman, Joe Tilden, Commissioners Lee Livingston, Dossie Overfield and Lloyd Thiel, and Clerk Colleen Renner.
Hans Odde led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Items:
Approve-Minutes, Payroll and Vouchers
The minutes from January 15, 2019, payroll in the amount of $575,416.20 which is one bi-weekly with health insurance and the monthly elected payroll for $89,184.45 and the Vouchers were presented to the Board for approval. Commissioner Tilden moved to approve all as presented, seconded by Commissioner Livingston and motion carried.
Commissioners – RE: Approve and Chairman Sign Common Ground Farms vs. Hill Stipulated Stay of Appeal of Order
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to allow the chairman to sign the stay of appeal, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Colleen Renner, Park County Clerk – RE: Resolution County Committee to promote Education, Awareness, and Participation in the 2020 US Census
After a brief discussion on the importance of being involved in the census Commissioner Tilden made a motion to approve the resolution, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried. RESOLUTION 2019-04
Commissioners – RE: Legacy Lease Agreements & Approve to Terminate Compass Agreement
Attorney Skoric recommended against making small changes to all of the county leases other than names and dollar amounts. Commissioner Overfield made a motion to accept the recommendations, Commissioner Tilden seconded, and motion carried.
Clerk Renner reported on why the Health, Safety & Wellness committee would like to cancel the county contract with Compass Health Solutions. Commissioner Tilden made a motion to cancel the contract, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Bill Crampton, Public Health Nursing Manager – RE:
1). Approve Chairman to sign Amendment One to the Contract Among Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division, Park County Health Office and Park County
Mr. Crampton stated the change in this contract amends the funding source from federal funds under CFDA #93.069 to Trust and Agency Funds, Account #6201.
2). Approve Chairman to sign Amendment One to the Contract between Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division and Park County. Mr. Crampton stated the purpose of this contract is to increase the total contract dollar amount by $20,000.
Both of these contracts were reviewed by Bryan Skoric, County Attorney. Commissioner Overfield made a motion to accept both contracts and allow the chairman to sign, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
3). Continue discussion on two-year position with Public Health
Mr. Crampton came before the board once again to discuss the acceptance of federal dollars for the proposed STI Nurse position. After a lengthy discussion on the need for this position and the strict guidelines with regards to the Ryan White program the board has requested Mr. Crampton to further research this issue.
Ben McDonald, Park County Project Manager – RE:
1). Approve and Chairman Sign Agreement between WYDOT and Park County for the Fiscal Year 2019 – Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Project CM19510
Mr. McDonald presented an agreement between WYDOT and Park County for $80,000 for dust mitigation and application of a dust control agent. Park County will match these funds in the amount of $20,000, which is budgeted for the FY2019. Attorney Skoric has approved the contract. Commissioner Tilden made a motion to approve the contract and allow the chair to sign, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
2). Approve Park County Grant of Temporary Construction Easement and Park County Grant of Permanent Easement with TE Ranch Limited Partnership –
Mr. McDonald presented a temporary and permanent construction easement from the TE for re-constructing County Road 6WX. Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve and sign both easements providing no other changes were made from what was presented, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Mike Garza, Park County Building & Grounds Superintendent – RE: Presentation by Dude Solutions on FCA (Facility Condition Assessment) and Work Order Software
Mr. Garza along with Dude Solutions presented a slide show to the Commissioners regarding a facility assessment program. After the presentation the Commissioners requested that Mr. Garza check the local references and report back.
Park County Fair Foundation Board Members – RE: Introduce the Park County Fair Foundation & Discuss Plans for the Future of the Foundation
Ms. Barrett, Events Coordinator introduced the foundation board members, Jasi Eskeli, Dicksie Michaels and Utana Dye. Ms. Eskeli reported on the plans for upcoming fundraisers which include Jake Clark Mule Days and the plans for the second annual barn dance. They have met with the fair superintendents to come up with other ideas besides the fair parade which was a huge success this past year. Commissioners agreed that the Foundation Board is meeting expectations and doing a good job.
Appeal Hearing – RE: Common Grounds LLC
Chairman Fulkerson opened the hearing. During staff meeting with Ms. Hill they discussed the Stipulated Stay of Appeal with Common Ground Farms, LLC. Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the stay of appeal and for it to continue on March 19, 2019 at 1:15 p.m., Commissioner Tilden seconded and motion carried.
Tycee Jo Mohler, 4-H & Youth Development Educator – RE: Discussion on Taxes, Licensing, Insurance on Vehicle purchased by 4-H Donation and replacing Powell Secretary
Ms. Mohler presented the Commissioners with the information they requested from the prior meeting regarding the purchase of a new vehicle and insurance. Clerk Renner stated that UW Extension has their own EIN number and therefore the county cannot insure the vehicle. Ms. Mohler is requesting a onetime $3,000 budget allowance to pay sales tax, title and licensing fees plus one year coverage for the insurance. Commissioner Tilden made a motion to approve the distribution, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried. An amendment to the budget may need to be made.
Ms. Mohler presented documentation in support of filling the Powell Extension Office Secretary position. After a lengthy discussion on the need for the position, this person could possibly help out the fair office in the slower times. Commissioner Tilden made a motion to fill the position, Commissioner Thiel seconded with the maximum beginning pay be $14.00, and motion carried.
Executive Session.
Commissioner Livingston moved to go into executive session pursuant to Wyoming State Statue § 16-4-405 (a) (ii) (iii), seconded by Commissioner Tilden and unanimously carried. Commissioner Livingston moved to come out of executive session, seconded by Commissioner Tilden and unanimously carried.
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to appoint Ruffin Prevost to the Park County Travel Council, Commissioner Tilden seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to reappoint Sam May and Perry Fisher to the Park County Weed & Pest District, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried. Commissioner Livingston made a motion to extend the term of Josh Christofferson for two years for proper rotation of terms moving forward, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Tilden made a motion to appoint Tim Hockhalter to the Predatory Animal Board as Sportsman at Large, Commissioner Thiel seconded. The one at large remaining open spot will be re-advertised.
Commissioner Tilden made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Livingston seconded and the motion carried.
Jake Fulkerson, Chairman
Joe Tilden, Vice Chairman
Lee Livingston, Commissioner
Dossie Overfield, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., Feb. 26, 2019