County minutes
Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Vice Chairman Scott Steward called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Present were Commissioners Lee Livingston, Scott Mangold, Lloyd Thiel and Clerk Colleen Renner. Chairwoman Dossie Overfield was absent.
Commissioner Mangold led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.
Commissioners – RE: Discussion on BLM Sage Grouse Amendment
Commissioner Livingston brought up the letter received from Micah Christensen, Natural Resource Counsel for WCCA regarding protest comments to the Sage Grouse amendment which are due on December 16. Commissioner Livingston stated Park County should join as a co-signer to the WCCA comments. After brief discussion Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve the comments opposing the amendments. once they are finalized and allow the Chair to sign, Commissioner Thiel seconded, motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston moved to adjourn, Commissioner Mangold seconded, and the motion carried.
Dossie Overfield, Chairwoman
Scott Steward, Vice Chairman
Lee Livingston, Commissioner
Scott Mangold, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., Dec. 31, 2024