City minutes
City Council Proceedings
August 5, 2024
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on August 5, 2024, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor John Wetzel called the meeting to order, and the following were present: Council Members Tim Sapp, Floyd Young, Steven Lensegrav, Zane Logan, Geoff Hovivian and Lesli Spencer. City Officials: Administrator Zack Thorington, City Clerk Tiffany Brando and City Attorney Alexa Rolin. Approval of Agenda: Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Approval of July 15, 2024 Minutes: Councilman Young moved to approve as presented, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Bills and Claims: Councilman Lensegrav made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Request for Discount Airport Fuel Wings N Wheels Event: Administrator Thorington discussed the request and Attorney have approved we are allowed to do fuel at cost or above. Discussion on supporting this event by the Council, Councilman Logan asked for an approximate amount that would be discounted and that is unknown at this time. Councilman Logan moved to approve the fuel for costs for Wings n Wheels event from Friday at 4pm to Monday at 9 am, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, Motion Carried. (Wings N Wheels is August 17, 2024) Resolution 10, 2024: A Request for Waiver of Open Container for Paint the Town Red August 24, 2024. Discussion on the event from last year, City Clerk Brando noted the location of the beer tent has been changed to 2nd Street in front of Big Horn Federal and the Police Chief needed to make the alley between Bent and Absaroka accessible for emergency use during the event as noted. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve Resolution 10, 2024, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Committee Updates: Councilman Logan Recycle Board, Councilman Young YCAN and Councilman Hovivian Airport. Boundary Line Adjustment 2nd Amended Plat of Cottonwood Village Subdivision Parcel 1 Lots 1 & 2: Attorney Rolin reviewed and has been approved by Planning & Zoning. Administrator Thorington discussed the boundary line adjustment as presented. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve and authorize necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Homesteader Park Splash Pad Bid Results and Agreement: Administrator Thorington gave bid results with Crown Construction coming in as the lowest bid for $497,799.70 and has met all requirements. LWCF grant is $250,000 and City match is $250,000 with $500,000 budgeted, the bid does not include the $45,000 engineering costs and would need a budget amendment to move forward with the agreement. Attorney has reviewed and have a few changes that are being worked on. The Council agreed they would like to move forward with the bid. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve Crown Construction bid and agreement with attorney changes with all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Mayor Wetzel discussed the budget amendment to be brought before them with any other amendments and consider any possible contingency. Adjourn: There being no further business to be considered at this meeting; Councilman Hovivian moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:17 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel, Mayor
/s/ Tiffany Brando, City Clerk
City of Powell payments
1 AFLAC Dependent Childcare $416.66 Payroll Deductions
2 AFLAC Insurance Premiums $1,750.92 Payroll Deductions
3 AFLAC Unreimbursed Medical $3,404.28 Payroll Deductions
4 Internal Revenue Service $81,951.46 FICA
5 MASA Medical Air Services Assn $741.00 Payroll Deductions
6 Great West Retirement Service $10,244.23 Deferred Compensation
7 Wyoming Retirement System $60,812.19 Retirement Contribution
8 Health Benefit Plan $91,370.00 Plan Benefit
TOTAL PAID WAGES IN JULY 2024 $289,912.49
11 360 Business Solutions Police 98.46 Copy Paper
12 A & I Distributors Shop 3,007.23 DEF
13 Aldrich’s Parks 98.93 Roller Cover, Gel Remover & Paint
14 Alsco Admin, Parks 133.31 Mat Cleaning
15 Anderson Forklift Inc Sanitation 39,210.00 Forklift
16 Asphalt Preservation Streets 231,456.13 Slurry Project
17 AT&T Mobility Admin, PD 191.73 Monthly Cell Phone Charge
18 Big Horn COOP Marketing Association Airport, Sani 577.38 Weed Killer & Plumbing Parts
19 Blair’s Market Police 10.38 Bottled Water
20 BNSF Railway Company Waste Water 45.36 Drainage Ditch Right of Way Fees
21 Border States Electric Supply Electric 4,614.96 Tape, Elbows, Tools, Heat Shrink,
Connectors & Cutters
22 Bradford Supply Company Parks 32.73 Irrigation Supplies
23 Bruco, Inc. Admin, PD 272.00 Hand Towels
24 CardConnect Aquatics 559.86 Credit Card Fees
25 City of Powell ~ Utilities Various 24,400.99 Monthly Utility Fees
26 Crum Electric Supply Electric 782.50 Electrical Supplies
27 DEX Imaging Aqua, Finance 120.71 Copy Machine Fees
28 DrivePayments Water 166.00 Credit Card Fees
29 Energy Laboratories, Inc Water, W Wat 1,224.00 Water & Waste Water Testing
30 Fastenal Bldg, Parks 499.94 Ladder & Gloves
31 Fremont Beverages, Inc. Aquatics 375.08 Gatorade, Syrup, Water & Straws
32 Fremont Chevrolet Buick GMC Riverton Parks, Streets 114,574.00 2024 Chevrolet Truck & 2024
Chevrolet Truck & Plow
33 Fremont Motor Powell Electric 309.11 Brake Parts
34 General Distributing Company Aquatics 1,984.00 Tank Rental & CO2
35 Graybar Electric Company Electric 1,302.69 Fluke Meter & Lamps
36 Hasler, Inc. Finance 1,000.00 Postage Added to Meter
37 Hotsy Wy - Mont Sanitation 8,155.00 Hotsy Pressure Washer
38 Intermountain Sweeper Company Streets 86.48 Adhesive
39 International Business Information Techn Police 5,093.35 Annual SHIELD Software Subscrip
40 Kary, Cole Streets 1,500.00 Cost Share for Sidewalk Replace
41 Kimball Midwest Electric 358.15 Slings & Terminals
42 Kois Brothers Equipment Sanitation 6,854.44 Hydraulic Pump, Springs & Switches
43 Leisure In Montana Aquatics 5,322.48 Chlorine Briquettes
44 Matthew Bender & Co, Inc Police 138.61 State Statutes Update
45 Norco Inc Parks 397.71 Wypal Wipes
46 Northwest Rural Water District Airport, W Wat 208.50 Monthly Water Fees
47 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. Various 1,710.36 Misc. Purchases for Various Depts
48 Pathfinder Defense LLC Police 670.00 Armorer Course & Reaction Rod
49 Powell Ace Hardware, LLC Various 683.92 Misc. Purchases for Various Depts
50 Powell Welding & Industrial Supply, LLC Various 821.15 Aragon, Trimmer Head, Vise,
Grease, Bit & Socket Set
51 Print With Kelly Aquatics 641.67 Summer Brochures
52 Production Machine Company Sanitation 160.18 Hydraulic Hoses
53 Public Group, The Finance, Sani 5,497.62 Auction Items
54 Rimrock Tire Corp Sanitation 169.95 Flat Tire Repair & Rotation
55 Rocky Mountain Power Waste Water 22.97 RD 6 Pump Fees
56 Roselli Cleaning Services LLC Various 5,060.00 Cleaning Fees
57 Ryan Brothers Trucking Sanitation 3,000.00 Cardboard Hauling Fees
58 Salas, Rogilio Sanitation 120.00 City Share Work Boots
59 TCT Various 739.90 Phone, Fax, Internet & TV
60 Team Lab Sani, W Wat 511.00 Herbicide & Sewer Enzymes
61 US. Foods Aquatics 1,201.45 Concession Supplies, Tissue,
Cleaner & Gloves
62 Verizon Wireless Various 866.46 Monthly Cell Phone Charge
63 WESCO Receivables Corp Electric 1,656.74 Fuses, H-Taps & Splices
64 White Ink Police 43.81 Notary Stamp & Shipping Fees
65 Williams Inland Distributors Aquatics 220.08 Ice-Cream for Concessions
Total Claims: $478,959.46
Publ., Tues., Aug. 13, 2024