City minutes Oct. 21, 2024


City of Powell minutes

City Council Proceedings
October 21, 2024
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on October 21, 2024, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor John Wetzel called the meeting to order, and the following were present: Council Members Floyd Young, Steven Lensegrav, Zane Logan, Geoff Hovivian and Lesli Spencer. City Officials: Administrator Zack Thorington, City Clerk Tiffany Brando, Chief of Police Jim Rhea, Lt. Matt McCaslin and City Attorney Alexa Rolin. Approval of Agenda: Councilman Young moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Approval of October 7, 2024 Minutes: Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve as presented, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Tim Sapp arrived 6:01 p.m. Bills and Claims: Mayor Wetzel abstained #43. Councilman Lensegrav made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Swearing In Police Officers Nathan Bivens and Anthony Firkins. Chief Rhea welcomed the new officers and Mayor Wetzel gave the oath of office. Resolution No. 11, 2024: Request for Extension of Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Oct 26th, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2024. City Clerk Brando indicated it is the same as last year; no service after 3 a.m. and everyone out at 4 a.m.; Chief Rhea had no changes. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve Resolution 11, 2024, seconded by Councilman Hovivian, discussion on Resolution 11, 2024 instead of Resolution 14, 2024, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Committee Updates: Councilman Young YCAN, Councilwoman Spencer Golf Board, Councilman Logan Recycle Board and Councilman Sapp Shoshone Pipeline.
Homesteader Splash Pad Change Order No.1: Administrator Thorington spoke on the change order to replace a cattail with a new butterfly not previously available. This would increase the price by $2,610 by replacing just one. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve change order #1 and authorize all necessary signatures, 2nd by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
HVAC Bid Results ARPA Grant: Administrator Thorington discussed the bid received from Rawhide Mechanical. Commons $235,297; City Hall $603,900; Police Dept. $771,499 and the grant total was $420,000 with some engineering already being paid. Discussion on all projects listed in the Capital Improvement Plan and will need to be done in the future. Kane Morris with Point Architect spoke on the possibility of value engineering on some of the projects. Discussion on the most needed project possibly being the Police Dept. with some remodeling that has happened and 24-hour facility. Council would like to keep the grant funding; Councilwoman Spencer and Councilman Young spoke in favor of the Police Dept. Mayor Wetzel asked if they could do value engineering and then the contract and with the timeline to be under contract Oct. 31st they could not but could always do a change order for less. Discussion on funds available for the remainder of the project and Administrator Thorington spoke on the reserves. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve the bid for the Police Dept. with the contract and authorize all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
General Announcements: Administrator Thorington stated the Storm Drain received 3 bids. Executive Session: Councilwoman Spencer moved to go into executive session pursuant to W.S. 16-4-405(A)(ix), seconded by Councilman Hovivian, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel declared an executive session at 6:28 p.m. Return to Regular Session: Mayor Wetzel returned to regular session at 6:56 p.m. No Action Taken.
Adjourn: There being no further business to be considered at this meeting; Councilwoman Spencer moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Hovivian, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:56 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel​​, Mayor​​​​​​
​/s/ Tiffany Brando, City Clerk

City of Powell payments

1 360 Business Solutions Various 514.20 Copy Paper
2 Aldrich’s Parks 64.99 Acrylic
3 Alsco Various 234.32 Mat Cleaning
4 Ascent Aviation Group Airport 30.00 Communication Fees
5 Bailey Enterprises Various 12,512.26 Fuel Purchases
6 Blair’s Market Police 38.75 Kleenex, Ibuprofen, Tums, Paper Plates
& Soap
7 Border States Electric Supply Electric 14,266.63 Load Break Elbows, Overhead Switches,
Covers, Breakers & Gloves
8 CardConnect Aquatics 415.09 Credit Card Fees
9 Charter Communications Various 109.98 Backup Internet Service
10 CivicPlus Admin 395.00 Online Code Hosting
11 Civil Engineering Professionals Parks 1,445.00 LWCF Splash Pad Engineer
12 Coffman Associates Airport 83,397.48 Engineering Fees on Master Plan
13 Copenhaver, Kitchen & Kolpitcke Attorney 4,007.65 Attorney Fees
14 Cross Petroleum Service Shop 1,298.89 Bulk Oil
15 Custom Air Building 60.00 Thermostat for Commons
16 DBT Transportation Services Airport 1,184.00 NADIN-AWOS Quarterly Service
17 DEX Imaging Aqua, Finance 90.92 Copy Machine Fees
18 Dijulio Displays Parks 2,547.34 Christmas Light Strings
19 DrivePayments Water 163.97 Credit Card Fees
20 Energy Laboratories Water, W Wat 726.00 Testing Fees
21 Engineering Associates ARPA 1,612.26 Storm Drain Design
22 Fremont Beverages Aquatics 228.04 Gatorade, Pepsi & 7up
23 Gardner, Joe Sanitation 120.00 City Share Work Boots
24 Garland Light & Power Airport, W Wat 1,910.11 Electric Bills
25 General Distributing Company Aquatics 3,602.00 CO2
26 Hanson Chemical Sanitation 440.76 Degreaser & Towels
27 Hartford, The Various 1,499.76 Monthly LTD Benefit
28 HDR Engineering Airport 556.74 Final pay app HDR
29 Hotline Electrical Sales & Service Electric 14,294.00 Meters
30 Intermountain Sweeper Company Streets 470.64 Sweeper Parts
31 John Deere Financial Various 1,332.24 Misc. Purchases for Various Departments 32 Kimball Midwest Electric 529.54 Washers, Tape & Ties
33 KPOW Sanitation 600.00 Mosquito Advertising
34 McIntosh Oil Airport, W Wat 1,944.64 Dyed Diesel & Pump Oil
35 Montana Dakota Utilities Co Various 2,838.29 Gas Bills
36 Napa Autoparts Airport, Shop 204.70 Gear Set & Glass Cleaner
37 Ness, Joy Police 138.00 Sewing Services for Uniforms
38 O’Reilly Automotive Various 499.24 Fogger, Hydro Boost, Seat Covers, Filter,
Seal & Heater Hose
39 Office Shop, The Admin, PD 340.38 Copy Machine Fees
40 One-Call of Wyoming Electric, Water 42.00 Dig Ticket Fees
41 Park County Landfills Sanitation 29,907.00 Tipping Fees
42 Powell Ace Hardware Various 292.16 Brace, Drill Bits, Storage Boxes,
Hardware, Cleaning Supplies & Batteries 43 Powell Tribune Various 1,564.30 Publishing & Advertising Fees
44 Powell Valley Recycling Task Force Sanitation 5,695.27 Recycling Fees Collected
45 Powell Welding & Industrial Supply Shop 60.95 Emery Cloth
46 Production Machine Company Sani, Streets 434.36 Hose, Fittings, Steel Line & Pipe
47 Quadient Finance 105.00 Quarterly Postage Meter Fees
48 Quality Propane Service Sani, W Wat 140.68 Propane
49 R & A Safety Police 310.50 Pre-Employment Testing
50 Rimrock Tire Corp Sanitation 59.95 Flat Tire Repair
51 Saber Pest Control Aquatics 100.00 Pest Control
52 Schuller, Rob Streets 1,500.00 Cost Share Sidewalk Replacement
53 Shoshone Municipal Pipeline Water 73,014.68 Water Usage & Tap Fees
54 SimpliVerified Police 393.74 Pre-Employment Background Checks
55 State of Wyoming Dept of Revenue Various 17,008.10 Sales Tax Collected
56 TransUnion Risk & Alternative Police 60.00 Contract Charges
57 Tyler Technologies Muni Court 5,439.79 Annual Incode Software Fees
58 Valli Information Systems Finance 1,764.88 UB Postage, Maint., Processing Fees
59 Visa Various 18,208.11 Misc. Purchases for Various Departments 60 WESCO Receivables Corp Electric 2,145.39 Elbow Puller, Storage Case, Lamps &
61 White Ink Various 795.70 Package Mailing, Rubber Stamp,
Envelopes & Office Supplies
62 Wild West Construction Streets 200,000.00 Chip Sealing on South Street
63 Windshield Doctor Police 55.00 Windshield Repair Unit 13
64 WLEA-ADVTrng Police 1,748.95 Basic Training I Gutierrez
65 Womack Machine Supply Company Streets 1,077.62 Lodar Transmitter
66 WPCI Various 441.28 Annual Policy Fees & Monthly Drug
Testing Fees
67 Wyo Conference of Building Officials Building 175.00 Membership Fee & Conference
Registration Hubbard
68 Wyoming Dept of Transportation Admin 900.00 New 2025 Plates for City Fleet
69 Wyoming Municipal Power Agency Electric 357,385.68 September Electric Charge
Total Claims: 877,489.90
Publ., Tues., Oct. 29, 2024


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