City minutes
City Council Proceedings
March 4, 2019
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on March 4, 2019 in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Wetzel opened the meeting and led those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Wetzel called the meeting to order and the following were present: Mayor John Wetzel, Council Members Jim Hillberry, Tim Sapp, Scott Mangold, Floyd Young, Lesli Spencer and Steven Lensegrav. City Officials: City Administrator Zane Logan, City Clerk Tiffany Brando, City Attorney Sandee Kitchen, Deputy Attorney Scott Kath and Finance Director Kaela Nelson.
Approval of Agenda: Mayor Wetzel asked to add under Matters from the Public a catering permit for WYOld West Brewing on March 16th at the Fairgrounds. Councilman Hillberry moved to approve as amended, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Approval of February 19, 2019 meeting minutes. Councilman Young moved to approve February 19, 2019 minutes, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Bills and Claims: Councilman Hillberry abstained #26. Councilwoman Spencer made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Sapp entered the meeting. PUBLIC HEARING – Annexation of Park County School District No. 1 Agricultural Barn Addition. Opened hearing by Deputy Attorney Kath at 6:03 p.m., no comments, closed 6:04 p.m.
Ordinance No. 2, 2019: Read by title Deputy Attorney Kath – An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Known as the Park County School District No. 1 Agricultural Barn Addition. Councilman Hillberry moved to approve Ordinance no. 2, 2019 on first reading, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING – Stonecrest Addition Re-Zone from R-G General Residential District to A-C Agricultural Cultivation District. This includes two parcels one containing 14.13 acres and the other contains 5.69 acres. Opened hearing by Attorney Kath at 6:05 p.m. and informed Council Planning & Zoning has looked at both parcels and recommends the change. No further comments closed 6:07 p.m.
Two ordinances both ready by title only by Deputy Attorney Kath: Ordinance No. 3, 2019: An Ordinance Re-Zoning a Portion of Tract 3, Lot 63, Stonecrest Addition to the City of Powell from General Residential District (R-G) to Agricultural Cultivation District (A-C). Ordinance No. 4, 2019: An Ordinance Re-Zoning a Portion of Tract 3, Lot 63, Stonecrest Addition to the City of Powell from General Residential District (R-G) to Agricultural Cultivation District (A-C). Councilman Mangold made a motion that Ordinance No. 3, 2019 and Ordinance No. 4, 2019 be approved on first reading, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Catering Permit WYOld West Brewing March 16th at the Fairgrounds. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Committee Updates: Councilwoman Spencer update on Powell Economic Partnership and Mayor Wetzel update on WAM Convention. Ordinance No. 5, 2019: Read by title Attorney Kitchen – An Ordinance Amending Section 5.52.030 of the Powell City Code Pertaining to Fees for Banner Display Permits and Increasing the Fee Charged Therefore. Marybeth Richardson addressed Council on survey she did of persons and glad banners are staying, but had an outcry of raising the fees no issue with Pepsi logo. Councilman Hillberry moved to approve Ordinance No. 5, 2019 on first reading, seconded by Councilman Mangold, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Boundary Line Adjustment – Lot 2 & 3, O.T. Block 61, Powell, Park County, Wyoming – Deputy Attorney Kath presented to Council and was approved by both Development Review Committee and Planning & Zoning. City Administrator Logan stated it was to separate the 2 buildings on the existing lots. Councilman Sapp moved to approve and authorize all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Mangold, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Shopko Bankruptcy – Attorney Kitchen informed Council of the Shopko Bankruptcy and is recommending the authorization of Council for the City to hire a Bankruptcy Attorney. Attorney Kitchen has reached out to Stephen Winship of Casper, WY and he is familiar with the Shopko Bankruptcy. Attorney Kitchen wants the City in the best position to get paid for the utilities during the Bankruptcy. Attorney Kitchen stated his fee is $300 an hour and she recommends starting with a conference call. Councilman Lensegrav moved to authorize City contracting Stephen Winship for up to $300 regarding the bankruptcy, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Memorandum of Understanding Wyoming Sagebrush Hoppers R/C – Administrator Logan stated this is an updated agreement and have had no issues to report. Councilman Young moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Hillberry, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Memorandum of Understanding Heart Mountain United Soccer Association – Administrator Logan stated this is an updated agreement and also have no issues to report. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Lease agreement Tri-Tel and City of Powell update given by Administrator Logan and is a 10 year agreement. Councilman Young moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Mangold, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
General Announcements: Administrator Logan update on Police hiring and Absaroka Street Public Meeting is March 11th at 5:30 in Council Chambers. Staff will begin preliminary budget meetings tomorrow March 5th.
There being no further business to be considered at this meeting, Councilman Young moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Mangold unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:27 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel
/s/ Tiffany Brando
City Clerk
Publ., Tues., March 12, 2019