City Council Proceedings
April 15, 2024
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on April 15, 2024, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor John Wetzel called the meeting to order, and the following were present: Council Members Tim Sapp, Steven Lensegrav, Zane Logan, Geoff Hovivian and Floyd Young. Absent Councilwoman Lesli Spencer. City Officials: City Administrator Zack Thorington, Finance Director Kaela Nelson and City Attorney Alexa Rollins. Approval of Agenda: Councilman Young moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Approval of April 1, 2024 Minutes: Councilman Logan moved to approve as presented, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Bills and Claims: Mayor Wetzel abstained from item #48 and Councilman Sapp abstained from item #54. Councilman Lensegrav made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Airport Drag Racing Series Safety: Mike Martin and Tim Kindred shared their plan for keeping everyone safe at the drag racing events this summer. Committee Updates: Councilman Lensegrav Rec Board. Councilman Logan Recycle Board. Mayoral Appointment: Councilman Young moved to reappoint Tom Ruhlman to the Airport Board, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Ordinance No. 2, 2024: An Ordinance Amending Section 16.16.020 of the Powell City Code Pertaining to Streets, Alleys and Easements. Attorney Rollins read by title and Administrator Thorington spoke on the change regarding half-streets. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve on second reading, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Ordinance No. 3, 2024: An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Known as the Jones Street Annexation. Attorney Rollins read by title and Administrator Thorington spoke on the annexation. Councilman Young moved to approve on first reading, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Resolution No. 5, 2024: A Resolution Certifying that a Written Petition Filed with the Clerk of the City of Powell for the Proposed Annexation of a Parcel of Land to be Known as the Shoopman 5 Annexation, Described as a Portion of Lot 62-C, Lot 62 (NESE, Original Section 14), T55N, R99W, 6th PM, Park County, Wyoming, into the City of Powell Complies with Wyoming Statutes. Attorney Rollins read by title and Administrator Thorington spoke on the annexation. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Midco Diving Services Agreement: Administrator Thorington discussed the agreement for cleaning the one-million-gallon underground water tank. Councilman Logan moved to approve and authorize all necessary signatures, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
3rd Quarter Revenue and Expenses: Administrator Thorington discussed the quarterly report. General Announcements: Chief of Police Finalists Interviews and Meet and Greet are scheduled for April 25th and April 26th. Budget work session is May 6, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. Adjourn: There being no further business to be considered at this meeting, Councilman Hovivian moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:29 p.m.
ATTEST: City Clerk
1 Aldrich’s Parks 42.45 Premix Concrete
2 Alsco Aquatics 95.69 Mat Cleaning & Deodorizers
3 Altec Industries Inc. Electric 2,342.05 Testing & Service on Line Truck
4 Ascent Aviation Group, Inc Airport 30.00 Communication Fees
5 Autoworks Auto Sales Inc. Streets 105.40 Tire Sensors
6 Bailey Enterprises Inc Various 12,836.70 March Fuel Purchases
7 Bar T Electric Electric 47.81 Expansion Coupling
8 Big Horn COOP Marketing Association Parks 123.00 Tire and Disposal
9 Blair’s Market Aqua, Council 75.43 Batteries & Retirement Lunch Supplies 10 Boone’s Machine & Rental Aquatics 57.30 Lift Rental
11 Border States Electric Supply Electric 7,692.85 Hot Glove Testing, Transformers &
12 Bradford Supply Company Parks 637.19 Bushings, Pipe, Fittings & Glue
13 CardConnect Aquatics 227.18 Credit Card Processing Fees
14 Caring for Powell Animals Council 3,900.00 Special Funding FY 23-24
15 Carquest Streets 15.83 Brake Hose for Sweeper
16 Charter Communications Various 109.98 Backup Internet Service
17 Civil Air Patrol Magazine Police 105.00 Wyoming Wings Advertising
18 Copenhaver, Kitchen & Kolpitcke, LLC Attorney 4,000.00 Attorney Fees
19 Cross Petroleum Service Shop 517.70 Oil
20 Crum Electric Supply Electric 1,175.95 Photo Cells, Wire Boxes & Fittings
21 DBT Transportation Services, LLC Airport 1,184.00 NADIN-AWOS Quarterly Service Fees 22 Dooley Enterprises, Inc Police 3,006.10 Ammunition
23 DrivePayments Water 141.72 Credit Card Processing Fees
24 Energy Laboratories, Inc Water, W Wat 882.00 Water & Waste Water Testing
25 Engineering Associates Insp, Shop 3,095.20 Engineering Fees
26 Fastenal Various 1,933.00 Tie Wraps, Screws, Ladder, Bolts &
Stack Ons
27 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #2697 Water, W Wat 1,201.66 Curb Box & Repair Bands
28 Fire Protection & Safety Police 122.00 Fire Extinguisher Checks & Maintenance 29 FR Wear Electric 359.86 FR Clothing
30 Fremont Beverages, Inc. Aquatics 192.04 Gatorade, Water, Co2 & Cups
31 Garland Light & Power Arprt, W Wat 3,093.93 Electric Bills
32 General Distributing Company Aquatics 2,464.00 CO2
33 Graybar Electric Company Electric 202.57 Lamps
34 Hartford, The Various 1,503.22 Monthly LTD Benefit
35 Heny, Shelley Inspection 120.00 P & Z Secretary Fees
36 HUB International Parks 232.00 Additional Premiums on New Equipment 37 Intermountain Sweeper Company Streets 1,191.52 Liners for the Sweeper
38 International Assoc of Chiefs of Police Police 190.00 Membership Dues M McCaslin
39 John Deere Financial Streets 9.99 SMV Plastic Sign
40 Keele Sanitation Aquatics 125.00 Annual Grease Trap Cleanout
41 Mountain West Computer Various 408.70 Toner, Stamp & UPS’s
42 Nexgen Municipal Inc Sanitation 517.34 Air Control Valves
43 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. Sani, Shop 115.96 Sockets & Brake Hoses
44 Office Shop, The Admin, PD 242.41 Copy Machine Fees
45 Park County Landfills Sanitation 22,910.80 Solid Waste Tipping Fees
46 Pete De Haan Electronics Airport 220.00 Test & Adjust Receiver
47 Powell Ace Hardware, LLC Various 481.70 Misc. Purchases for Various Depts
48 Powell Tribune Various 1,389.41 Publishing & Advertising Fees
49 Powell Valley Recycling Task Force Sanitation 5,830.52 Recycling Fees Collected
50 Quadient, Inc. Finance 105.00 Quarterly Postage Meter Fees
51 Quality Propane Service, Inc. Waste Water 29.77 Weed Burner Parts
52 Saber Pest Control, LLC. Aquatics 100.00 Monthly Pest Control
53 Safariland LLC Police 37.37 Reprint Tabs
54 Sapp, Tim Council 17.42 Mileage Reimbursement SMP Meeting 55 Shoshone Municipal Pipeline Water 67,572.60 Monthly Water Usage & Tap Fees
56 Smith Psychological Services Police 400.00 Pre Employment Evaluation
57 State of Wyoming Dept of Revenue Various 16,425.04 Sales Tax Collected
58 TCT Various 741.63 Phone, Fax, Internet & TV
59 US. Foods Aquatics 772.22 Concession Supplies
60 USA Blue Book Water 796.36 Hach Colormeter & Supplies
61 Valli Information Systems, Inc. Finance 1,713.48 UB Processing, Postage & Alert Fees
62 Visa Various 9,849.45 WASCOP Conf Reg McCaslin
63 White Ink Arprt, Streets 85.52 Business Cards S Long & Shipping Fees 64 Williams Inland Distributors Aquatics 250.35 Ice-Cream for Concessions
65 Willow Creek Wholesale Nursery, LLC Parks 3,501.00 Trees
66 WPCI Various 91.28 Drug Testing Fees
67 Wyo Local Government Liability Pool Waste Water 85.00 Deductible
Total Claims Due: $190,077.65
Publ., Thurs., April 18, 2024