Budget hearing


Notice is hereby given on the proposed budget for the City of Powell, Wyoming for the 2019-20 fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 which is now being considered by the council of said City, will be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall on the 17th day of June 2019, at 6:05 p.m. at which time any and all persons interested may appear and be heard respecting such budget. A Summary of such proposed budget follows.

Fund Fund No. Estimated Cash
6/30/19 Total Estimated Revenue FY 19-20 Total Estimated Expenditures
FY 19-20 Net Budget Surplus/(Deficit)
FY 19-20 Estimated Cash Available 6/30/20
General Fund 1000 4,017,568 6,917,522 7,383,908 (466,386) 3,551,182
Water Fund 5210 2,315,123 1,904,118 1,652,239 251,879 2,567,002
Wastewater Fund 5310 937,606 819,078 750,144 68,934 1,006,540
Sanitation Fund 5410 576,754 1,459,904 1,457,527 2,377 579,131
Electric Fund 5710 3,094,360 7,315,868 7,297,429 18,439 3,112,799
Powellink Fiber Fund 2400 278,344 353,000 344,900 8,100 286,444
Capital Projects Fund 4010 2,863,500 10,000 2,600,000 (2,590,000) 273,500
Economic Dev Fund 2320 130,192 2,680,198 2,713,724 (33,526) 96,666
Total 14,213,447 21,459,688 24,199,871 2,740,183 11,473,264
For the fiscal year 2019-2020 there shall be levied and collected taxes for general revenue purposes in the amount of $239,526 on the dollar valuation of all taxable property, not to exceed the maximum allowable .008 mills, within said City.
Administration 576,962 City Attorney 106,468 Finance 436,702 Inspection Services 125,370 Streets & Alleys 1,373,963
Parks 586,565 Golf Course 23,000 Police 2,644,345 Municipal Court 27,086 Airport 284,627 City Shop 241,180 City Council 136,086 Aquatic Facility 821,554 Total Requirements 7,383,908
Tiffany Brando, City Clerk
John F. Wetzel, Mayor
Publ., Thurs., June 6, 2019


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