County minutes April 9, 2019


Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Chairman Fulkerson called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Present were Vice Chairman, Joe Tilden, Commissioners Lee Livingston, Dossie Overfield and Lloyd Thiel, and Clerk Colleen Renner.
Joy Hill led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Park County Commissioners – RE: Continuance Wagler Appeal
Chairman Fulkerson reminded the Board that this is a continuation of the ongoing Wagler appeal and that Planning Director Hill had provided them with additional information beyond what they had at the last meeting.
The Commissioners discussed the different options they felt they had available to them regarding whether to leave an apparently expired LUC in place or to deny the appeal as Director Hill recommends and zone the property GR5. Mr. Wagler would then apply for a Special Use Permit to continue with his plans to build cabins and a bath house.
Mr. Wagler stated that he felt the LUC was still in affect even though Ms. Hill had presented information that it had expired in the early 2000’s.
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to deny the appeal for LUC-105 and sign resolution to zone property GR5 as presented, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried. RESOLUTION 2019-17
Mike Garza, Park County Buildings & Grounds Superintendent – RE: Continue Discussion on New Structure for Events Coordinator Position
Mr. Garza presented a plan to combine his present position as Buildings & Grounds Superintendent and the Events Coordinator along with a proposed pay structure for himself and others involved in the plan.
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve the structure & reorganization as presented, Commissioner Overfield seconded, and motion carried.
Executive Session.
Commissioner Livingston moved to go into executive session pursuant to Wyoming State Statue § 16-4-405 (a) (ii) (iii), seconded by Commissioner Tilden and unanimously carried.
Chairman Fulkerson called to reconvene the regular meeting.
New Structure for Events Coordinator Position
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the salary proposal made by Mr. Garza, Buildings & Grounds Superintendent for the office manager and future maintenance supervisor when selected, and an additional $4.00 per hour for Mr. Garza’s position of supervising both departments, and a no change to the custodial position, Commissioner Tilden seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Tilden made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and the motion carried.
Jake Fulkerson, Chairman
Joe Tilden, Vice Chairman
Lee Livingston, Commissioner
Dossie Overfield, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Attest: Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., April 23, 2019
